Encouraging Hybrid Cloud Computing, IBM Indonesia Holds Solutions Summit 2020

JAKARTA - IBM Indonesia is holding the Partner Solutions Summit 2020 which helps its partners carry out digital transformation through Cloud, Data, Security and System technology. This is IBM's fourth annual event, and will be the first to be held virtually.

"The COVID-19 pandemic forces companies to carry out their digital transformation more quickly. Many (also) companies are accelerating efforts to move their workloads to the cloud, and for that we need our partners to be creative and innovate in meeting the changing business demands, "said Country Manager Partner & Ecosystem, Novan Adian in a press conference.

To complete the event, IBM Indonesian also collaborated with PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk with Digital Business Platform Solutions and Metrodata Managed Service Security Providers built on IBM technology, and PT Sinergi Wahana Gemilang also participated through innovative solutions based on spatial data analysis.

The three companies were embraced to measure readiness towards a new normal as an Information Technology platform in supporting the distribution of assistance such as masks and medical devices built using the IBM Data & AI platform: IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

Meanwhile, President Director of IBM Indonesia, Tan Wijaya, stated that cloud adoption has become a key feature in developing new digital-driven business models.

From the results of recent research by the IBM Institute for Business Value, it shows that multi-cloud hybrids are very fundamental when developing an organizational operational model in helping them initiate steps to become a Cognitive Enterprise in the future.

Furthermore, Hybrid cloud can improve business performance with greater ROI. Currently, IBM fully relies on hybrid cloud because this technology is safe, can be operated easily, is open and is free from vendor lock-in.

Digital Transformation

Good technology cannot be run without the right talents in its application. For this reason, IBM Indonesia this year collaborates with Dicoding in producing new talents.

This collaboration, which began at the end of September 2020, has attracted more than 17,000 applicants and has graduated 6,000 new developers for Create Cognitive Applivations, Startin Programming with Python and Machine Learning for Beginners.

In addition, IBM Indonesia also collaborates with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) in improving the skills and expertise of the young workforce in the field of communication and informatics through collaboration in the 2020 Digital Talent Scholarship stimulant program to prepare reliable talents in the field of data science.

"The progress of a nation can run well if it is supported by the best talents who are able to compete in the current era of digital transformation. Technology is a means of support that can be realized through a good ecosystem and capable talents, "said Tan Wijaya.