400 Year Prison For Pedro Rodrigues Filho Who Killed Dozens Of Criminals

JAKARTA - Pedro Rodrigues Filho is an anomaly in the criminal world. Brazilians know him as a serial killer. However, the row of victims that Pedro killed was dominated by criminals, such as drug kingpins, con artists, and rapists. It counts, throughout his life Pedro has killed 70 criminals. That's why Pedro is nicknamed "Pedrinho Matador" or Peter the killer.

From a young age, Pedro grew up in a less harmonious family environment. Launching All That's Interesting, Pedro, who was born in Minas Gerais, Brazil on June 17, 1954, often received rough treatment from his father since he was a child. In fact, Pedro was born with a damaged skull. This is because the father has often used physical violence against his mother since Pedro was still in the womb.

Growing up violent, little Pedro came to understand that all evil is fun. For that, Pedro nailed his mindset that crimes must be resolved with violence. The mindset then grows in Pedro until finally the feeling gets out of control when Pedro starts to turn 14 years old.

It was at that age that Pedro committed his first murder. The man who became the first victim was Deputy Mayor of Alfenas. The mayor, according to Pedro, was presumptuous to fire his father who was a school guard. The father is accused of stealing food in the school canteen. As a child, of course Pedro did not remain silent. He felt the Deputy Mayor had wrongly accused his father. Long story short, Pedro shot him.

After some time, Pedro also committed the second murder. Pedro committed the murder after finding out that the person who was responsible for his father's problems was fired, namely another school guard. Pedro also killed him mercilessly.

After that, Pedro then fled to the Mogi das Cruzes area in Sao Paulo to avoid being chased by the police. Arriving there, Pedro, who realized that in the area where he lived there was a drug dealer, disturbed him. Shortly thereafter, the criminal died at Pedro's hands.

Unexpectedly, life at Mogi das Cruzes made Pedro feel at home. Moreover, there Pedro made love with a woman named Maria Aparecida Olympia. The two of them fall in love and spend a day full of romance together. Unfortunately, this happiness quickly ended. Pedro's reputation for killing drug dealers, outrages local gang members.

As revenge for Pedro, they killed Pedro's lover. Therefore, Olympia's death darkened Pedro's eyes even more. Like a detective, Pedro looks for the facts who killed his lover. In that case, Pedro killed many other members of the genk to find out who the real Olympia killer was.


After killing a gang member, Pedro targets to kill his father who is in prison for killing his mother. For Pedro, his father's actions were a great shame.

In the end, not knowing there was still one blood, Pedro made a visit to the prison to see his father, directly stabbing him 22 times with sharp objects. Because he hated it, Pedro ate his father's heart violently.

Pedro was arrested by local police on 24 May 1973. When arrested, Pedro was taken in a police car along with two other criminals, including a rapist. Miraculously, when the policeman opened the door, Pedro had already committed the murder of a rapist.

In prison

Prison did not deter Pedro. For Pedro prison was a new chapter for the killings of other criminals. In prison, Pedro killed at least 47 inmates. Most of the prisoners who became victims were involved in murder cases. As Pedro understood, they were the ones who deserved to be killed.

In an interview, Pedro was also asked what the sensations were for killing criminals. Pedro calmly replied, killing criminals was like adrenaline excitement. He also emphasized that his favorite method of killing is by stabbing a knife.

For his case, Pedro was initially sentenced to 128 years in prison. However, that was only a prefix. Because, along with Pedro's murder, he got a sentence of up to 400 years in prison. However, according to Brazilian law, the maximum prison sentence is 30 years.

Because of that, even though Pedro still killed four other inmates in prison, Pedro still got his freedom because the sentence was only 30 years. At its peak, Pedro was released in 2007. When his story was shared, all over Brazil recognized Pedro as a well-known figure apart from being a celebrity or a sportsman. One analyst even called Pedro the "Perfect Psychopath." Which, Pedro will continue to chase the criminals, especially those who persecute him.