Akhyar Nasution Team's Wonder The Face Photo On The Ballot From Bright To Dark: Change Or We Demand!

MEDAN - Chairman of the Winning Team Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi (AMAN), Ibrahim Tarigan, asked the Medan KPU not to use a photo of candidate pair number 1 which looks darker than candidate pair Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman.

"We complain about the image with a bright face, now it's dark. So we confirm the truth. If it's dark, we don't accept it. We ask the contractor to repeat it. Earlier there was language that needed time, no. I'm ready to make this all, we change. Don't There is an impression that there is black, or white. Even though there is a motto, after dark comes the light. If we are number 1 ready. If the KPU and the contractor do not change it, we will sue, we will continue the legal process and do not get paid, "said Ibrahim Tarigan after reviewing the sorting of ballot folding at the Medan KPU warehouse, formerly Medan Polonia Airport, Thursday, November 19.

Ibrahim assessed that almost all ballot papers were dark in the picture of candidate candidate number 1, Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi.

"Earlier we saw it was almost evenly distributed, but there was the KPU's intention to change and sort the existing ones. We consider it positive. It's just safe," he said.

Therefore, Ibrahim asked the Medan City KPU to be wise and prudent in addressing this. Because this finding is detrimental to Akhyar-Salman.

"Obviously it is detrimental. Usually the crew candidate pairs are handsome. The name of the leader and the ustaz usually shines his face. If it is opened by the voters, that glow. Only at this time, there should be no other indication," said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim asked for the dark ballot papers in candidate pair number 1 to be replaced immediately. If this request is not fulfilled, Akhyar's team will take legal proceedings.

"Yes, we ask for a change and don't pay for the contractor. If it is still valid, we will sue it legally. We will sort this person out of the dark, we will destroy it together. If everything is dark, please the Chairman of the KPU to evaluate it, so repeat. Repeat all. We hope this KPU chairman can become a future leader. With him being neutral in all kinds, Bawaslu is also there. We are happy and sympathetic if we can uphold justice, "said Ibrahim.

Meanwhile, the head of the Medan KPU, Agussyah R Damanik, confirmed that he would not use the damaged ballot papers as complained by the Akhyar-Salman winning team.

"Right now, the KPU is doing a folding sorting which will last until November 21, 2020. This sorting is to see which letters are defective or damaged. We will sort them and later we will ask for a good replacement of ballots from the provider. So this case is overflowing. Paslon number 1 looks dark and we are sorting it. We make sure it will not be used at the TPS, "he said.