Mahfud MD's Clarification Response To The 'DPR Only Silence' In The Murder Case Of Brigadier J, Desmond: We Are Confused Because We Know Ferdy Sambo

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR has responded to the clarification of the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security who is also the Head of Kompolnas, Mahfud Md, regarding the accusation of 'DPR Is Just Silent' in responding to the murder case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J by former Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Desmond Junaidi Mahesa admitted that his party was confused because the case was originally an internal household case.

"First, we are in recess. Second, we are confused, because the issue seems to be a domestic affair, a private area, so at the beginning when I was interviewed I was concerned because I thought this was a disaster," said Desmond at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, 22 August.

In fact, Desmond said, he had prayed that the disaster that befell Ferdy Sambo would be resolved soon. This is because the Gerindra politician admitted that he knew the two-star general.

"This incident (infidelity) can happen to anyone. I said hopefully this will be processed in a very open process that's all I can comment on. Why? Because I know Sambo, I think this is a disaster, his wife is cheating on him, there are aides and other things. ," said Desmond.

Desmond also admitted that he did not know the cause of the police shooting case. Until in the end, everything was exposed even to the point of dragging Ferdy Sambo's own wife, who was originally a victim of abuse. Although the motive has not been revealed.

"We don't know the developments, in the end it became clear that his wife was also a suspect. The motive is still unresolved, right, does anyone understand what the motive was for his wife to be involved? It's not clear yet. We'll wait in court," said Desmond.

Therefore, he added, Commission III of the DPR chose to remain silent because he did not want to be trapped in things that were still not understood.

"We see that if we respond we respond, we get stuck in things we don't understand," Desmond explains.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs who is also the Head of Kompolnas, Mahfud Md, clarified the objections of Commission III of the DPR regarding the accusation of 'only silence' in response to the premeditated murder case carried out by the former Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Mahfud actually turned to question the attitude of the DPR, which at the beginning of its appearance was very busy making comments. However, after the case of the police shooting the police walking and starting to come to light, Commission III of the DPR suddenly went silent.

"I said the DPR was silent, the DPR was busy at the beginning, including I followed Mr. Trimedya, I followed it 3 days in a row it appeared on TV and was loud, that this should be opened but when it got heated to this (alleged murder) why wasn't there The voices come from here. How come the DPR is silent," said Mahfud in front of the leaders and members of Commission III of the DPR as well as the National Human Rights Commission and LPSK at Nusantara 2 Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, August 22.

Because, Mahfud reasoned, he wanted to work together with the DPR to push for clarity on the case of Brigadier J's death at Ferdy Sambo's halfway house on July 8.

"I said let me push this case together. Law is a political product, it cannot run alone if there is no political atmosphere that encourages its prostitution," said Mahfud.

However, what happened was Mahfud was asked to study the MD3 Law. The reason is that the DPR stated that it was in recess so it could not summon related parties to ask for information. In fact, some say that the DPR cannot interfere in this case because it is being investigated by a special team formed by the National Police Chief.

"That's why I said why the DPR was silent, then the DPR said 'well, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs doesn't know the law that the DPR should not interfere'.

"The Brotoseno case was successful, right because the DPR said that Brotoseno was suddenly imprisoned as a police officer again, according to the law, you can't make a fuss. Then the DPR said that because he was meritorious, what kind of services did a corruptor perform? Regarding the sexual abuse of students, they said nothing, so I was waiting for it because I felt like I was young, talk here, talk here, let the truth come out," he continued.