So That It's Not Brittle, Do These 6 Simple Ways To Maintain Bone Health

YOGYAKARTA – Age affects bone density and health. Because, as you get older, it is necessary to take steps to maintain bone health. As we age, bones become thinner and their density erodes. Because it makes them more susceptible to injury.

Simple ways you can do for the purpose of keeping bones strong and stopping osteopenia or 'thinning' of bones. What are the steps that need to be made into a daily routine related to bone health? The following recommendations were submitted by experts reported by the Cleveland Clinic, Monday, August 22.

1. Eat lots of vegetables

Many types of vegetables are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin can be useful in stimulating the production of bone-forming cells. Choose green and yellow vegetables, because according to research, vegetables with these two colors are proven to help in bone mineralization.

2. Consume foods rich in calcium

Calcium makes your bones hard and dense, tells WebMD. Calcium levels that are too low in the body can make bones brittle and cause osteoporosis. Well, at the age of 50 years, you need about 1,200 milligrams of calcium in a day to stop bone loss.

Illustration of a simple way to maintain bone health (Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)

Younger ages, or ages 9-18 years, need about 1,300 milligrams of calcium more per day. To meet daily nutritional needs, you can eat foods rich in calcium. These foods include yogurt, tofu, nuts, and salmon.

3. Meet the needs of vitamin D

Vitamin D works in tandem with calcium. Because without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium from food. In effect, it can weaken bones.

A simple way to maintain bone health, you need to get enough vitamin D, for example by sunbathing in the morning. Just a few minutes of sunbathing, you can meet the body's vitamin D needs. In addition, you can eat foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, cow's milk, almond or soy milk, eggs, and cereals.

4. Weight-bearing sports

Weight-bearing exercise is defined as any activity that forces you to move against gravity, or forces you to exert resistance when moving. Weight-bearing exercises can be beneficial for building bones. However, the magnitude of the load should be limited if you are diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Other types of exercise can also help maintain bone health. These include aerobics, going up and down stairs, dancing, jogging, and tennis.

5. Reduce smoking and excessive drinking

Decreased mineral density in bones is associated with tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. If you smoke, find a program to help you quit. If you drink alcohol, the recommendation is not to drink more than once a day.

6. Reduce sweet and processed foods

Actually, the body does not need added sugar from soft drinks, pastries, and other processed foods. Adding too much sugar can cause the body to excrete bone-strengthening calcium and magnesium through urine. In fact, consumption of sugary processed foods can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients from your diet, including calcium.