The Government Urges The Public To Be Aware Of Housing Scams Under The Guise Of Cheap Prices

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has asked the regional government (Pemda) to collect data and monitor and coordinate with all housing developers in the regions.

This was done so that various fraudulent practices of housing under the guise of cheap prices that were detrimental to many residents could be anticipated so that they would not be repeated in the future.

"In recent times, the rampant criminal fraud involving illegal sharia housing developers has started to worry the public. Even though the government continues to strive to provide housing through the One Million Houses Program," said Director General of Housing Provision of the Ministry of PUPR, Khalawi Abdul Hamid in a written statement, quoted Thursday 23 January.

According to Khalawi, the developer data collection step in this area is expected to provide information to the public that the developer they have chosen is legal.

The Ministry of PUPR, through the Directorate General of Housing Provision, added Khalawi, hopes that in the future the fraud related to cheap housing will not happen again. His party continues to minimize this, one of the efforts is to hold a coordination meeting and invite stakeholders from all regions in Indonesia as an initial preventive step in efforts to prevent housing fraud.

His party also cooperates with the Police to be able to find the best solution in the context of the existing problems and take preventive actions in the future the One Million Houses Program can run according to regulations. In addition, he continued, he also invited the local government because they have a strategic function to oversee licensing in the implementation of housing and settlement areas in the regions.

"We also urge people to be careful, careful and smart in choosing the house they want to buy," he said.

Khalawi also hopes that the community will not be easily tempted by cheap housing selling prices, namely that the community must also pay attention to the Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB), Building Construction Permits (IMB) and the site plan owned by the housing developer.

"There are many types of property and do not be mistaken for choosing property products that are only cheap in price. So people must be smart in choosing so that they are not mistaken in buying a house," he said.

Regarding housing developers who carry out subsidized housing construction at affordable prices, Khalawi suggested that the public can check their developer data through the Developer Registration System (SIRENG) application, to see the identity and name of housing developers who carry out subsidized housing construction throughout Indonesia.

In Sireng, according to him, there are around 13,793 developers and 19 housing associations that have been registered in SIRENG, as well as a list of housing associations as housing developer builders, such as REI, Himperra, and Apersi.