History Today, August 22, 1943: Soekarno And Fatmawati's Wedding Party

JAKARTA - Today, 79 years ago, August 22, 1943, Soekarno and Fatmawati held a wedding party at Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56, Menteng, Jakarta. The party was held two months after Bung Karno and Fatmawati were officially married. Their wedding celebration was simple. No sign of luxury.

Those who come are only dominated by family and relatives. Everyone is happy. Especially the two couples. Previously, the seeds of their love blossomed when Bung Karno was exiled in Bengkulu.

Bung Karno's life during exile by the Dutch colonialists was full of dynamics. In exile Bengkulu, especially. Big Brother's enthusiasm for life is so high. He was amazed by the youth movement in Bengkulu. Likewise with the city.

Bung Karno's activities were abundant. While he was teaching as a teacher, Bung Karno was also active as a badminton coach. Bung Karno's favorite activity was not playing. Fatmawati – her adopted daughter – also joined. Unexpectedly the seeds of love began to penetrate to both of them.

Soekarno and Fatmawati. (Wikimedia Commons)

Bung Karno initially did not want to express his admiration for Fatmawati. However, as she grew older, Fatmawati grew into a charming person. Bung Karno was smitten. Fatmawati is an amazing person. He was an interesting discussion partner for Soekarno. Moreover, Bung Karno's desire to be able to have children was passionate.

Bung Karno's only wish to have children was not granted by Inggit Garnasih. As usual, Bung Karno immediately expressed his intentions to Fatmawati. The pinnacle of being loved by scholars arrived. Fatmawati also admired Bung Karno.

“You know Fat, I am confused about answering my mother's questions in Blitar, she repeatedly wrote to me when she was given a grandson. I'm in exile. You're the only one to be my consolation. If I'm in Jakarta I can negotiate with Moh. Husni Thamrin or Mr. Sartono and others. Who will own those books you saw in my room?”

"I want one son, just one, if more, thank God. I am a leader of the people who want to liberate their people from the Netherlands, but I don't think I can continue if you don't wait and accompany me. You are the light of my life to continue the great and terrible struggle," said Soekarno, written by Fatmawati in the book Small Notes with Bung Karno (2016).

Soekarno began to seriously want to propose to Fatmawati when he officially divorced Inggit Garnasih. Soekarno and Fatmawati married. However, Soekarno's position, which was busy fighting in Jakarta, prevented him from coming to Bengkulu. He married Fatawati by representation in June 1943.

The couple Soekarno and Fatmawati with their eldest son, Guntur Soekarnoputra. (Wikimedia Commons)

Two months later, the wedding was celebrated with a simple party on August 22, 1943. All because Fatmawati immediately brought her family to Jakarta. The simple party was attended only by the families of both parties and close relatives.

“In June 1943 Fatma and I married in a representative marriage. To be able to transport him and his parents to Java is too complicated and long, and I can't even pick him up to Sumatra, and I can't seem to wait any longer. I suddenly had a strong desire to marry. According to Islamic law marriage can take place, as long as there is a bride and something that represents the groom."

"I have more than that something. I have someone. I sent a telegram to a close friend and asked him to represent me. He showed the telegram to Fatma's parents and this proposal was approved. The bride and my deputy went to the qadi and even though he was still in Bengkulu and I was in Jakarta, thus we have already tied the knot of marriage,” concluded Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in Bung Karno's book: Connecting the Tongue of the Indonesian People (2014).

Fatmawati is Soekarno's third wife, who was previously married to Siti Oetari and Inggit Garnasih. Both of Soekarno's marriages ended in divorce.