Police Trust Level Will Improve If Able To Fight Online Gambling

JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Edi Hasibuan said the level of public trust in the National Police will improve if it is able to eradicate gambling, including online gambling.

"The public's trust in the Police will be even better in the future when the Police can eradicate online gambling and take firm action when there are unscrupulous members who are proven to be backing gambling and other illegal businesses," Edi said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 21.

He said that the order of the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo to all his staff to eradicate all types of crime, including gambling and to remove those who could not afford it, was a form of assertiveness from the number one person in the National Police.

"The order of the Chief of Police is very firm. We can see that the entire range of the Regional Police continues to move quickly to eradicate gambling and other illegal businesses that have been troubling the public a lot," said Edi.

Edi added that the Kapolri's firm stance could restore the public's level of trust in the National Police, which had fallen drastically.

According to him, the disclosure of Brigadier J's murder with the suspected former Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo and his wife, PC helped restore public confidence in the Police.

"When Sambo and his wife were named suspects with the threat of death or life imprisonment, they immediately restored public confidence in the Police to 78 percent from the previous 28 percent," he said.

Listyo Sigit in the Instagram account of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Friday, August 19, ordered all his staff to eradicate gambling and would remove officials who were unable to carry out the order.

The National Police Chief will not tolerate and will remove the Chief of Police, Director of Investigation, Kapolda, and even Police Headquarters officials who do not eradicate gambling.

"I repeat what is called gambling, whether it is land gambling, online gambling and various other forms of criminal offenses must be dealt with," said the National Police Chief.