Disappointed That BNPB Distributes Masks At Princess Rizieq's Marriage, Dozens Of COVID-19 Task Force Volunteers Resign

JAKARTA - Dozens of COVID-19 Task Force volunteers have resigned. This followed the provision of masks for the COVID-19 task force during the wedding ceremony of the daughter of the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab, Najwa Shihab and the Prophet's Birthday.

Dozens of volunteers symbolically stated that they were withdrawing from their duties by returning the brown volunteer vests in front of The Media Hotel, Jalan Gunung Sahari, Central Jakarta, which became the office of the COVID-19 Task Force volunteers.

"We on behalf of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Volunteers who joined voluntarily on behalf of humanity convey our attitude towards the incident of giving 20 thousand masks and hand sanitizers by the COVID-19 Task Force at the wedding of Habib Rizieq's daughter," said the Jabodetabek COVID-19 Task Force Volunteer Coordinator, Abdul Mupid in front of The Media Hotel, Thursday, 19 November.

They said that the giving of masks caused protests not only in the community, but also by volunteers.

Not only that, these volunteers said that what the COVID-19 Task Force was doing was a form of indifference to those who have struggled amid the pandemic for eight months.

After returning the volunteer vests, they also urged the Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force Doni Monardo and his staff to resign from their posts. In addition, they also expressed their distrust of the COVID-19 Task Force.

Even though they have withdrawn from the volunteer activities of the COVID-19 Task Force, they emphasized that they will continue to move to carry out humanitarian work amid the pandemic.

"We will remain committed to continuing our activities as volunteers in the institution and in our own ways," said Abdul.

Abdul explained that this event was attended by only a few volunteers. However, he claims, currently there are 2,000 volunteers ready to follow their action.

On that occasion, he also explained the reason why this return event was not held at the BNPB office which is the operational office of the COVID-19 Task Force.

Moreover, before the event was held, the security at The Media Hotel repeatedly asked those who took part in this event to disperse because there was no permit for the event.

"This event is spontaneous because there is a flow from below. We don't have a plan, we take action," he said.

Meanwhile, when alluded to volunteers wearing clothes to support Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Abdul denied that the event was a proposal from certain parties.

This is because the volunteers who are members of the COVID-19 Task Force come from various community organizations or mass organizations such as Banser, Ansor, to Jokowi supporters.

After the action in front of The Media Hotel was carried out, it is planned that the volunteers will carry out an action at the BNPB office. However, it is not certain when and the date.

Previously, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force as well as the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo had conveyed his apologies regarding the provision of assistance in the form of masks and hand sanitizers at the wedding of Rizieq Shihab's daughter, Najwa Shihab in Petamburan, Central Jakarta.

"We are sorry if the steps taken are not very pleasant," Doni said in a press conference broadcast on YouTube BNPB Indonesia, Sunday, November 15.

The head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force admitted that his party had appealed to no crowd at the event held by Rizieq. However, unfortunately the masses who were present could not be limited.

"The Task Force itself provided mask assistance so that people could use masks after the notification step was not heeded, meaning that it would still be implemented," said Doni.

So, the final solution for the COVID-19 Task Force was to give 20 thousand masks to the masses of Rizieq's followers. These masks are solely to provide protection to the people present so they are not exposed to COVID-19.

"You can imagine if there is no mask assistance, then someone is exposed to COVID, one another can infect, so the impact of the transmission process will be more and more, the more worrying us," he said.