113,856 Tons Of Subsidized Fertilizer Indonesian Fertilizer Prepared For West Java-Banten-DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has prepared a stock of 113,856 tons of subsidized fertilizer to meet the needs of farmers in the provinces of West Java (Jabar), Banten, and DKI Jakarta in facing the upcoming planting season from October 2022 to March 2023.

SVP of PSO West Region of Pupuk Indonesia Agus Susanto in his official statement in Jakarta, Saturday, said the stock of subsidized fertilizer exceeded the limit set by the government, in this case the Ministry of Trade.

"So later we will prepare this stock for allocation from October to March, now it's harvest time, around September to October starting to plant again," Agus said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 20.

He explained that the stock, which totaled 113,856 tons, was equivalent to 346 percent of the government's provision of 32,935 tons. All of these stocks are in Line I (producer warehouse) to Line III (district and distributor warehouse) with details of 70,479 tons of Urea fertilizer and 43,376 tons of NPK fertilizer.

Agus had the opportunity to visit the Line III Warehouse in Jatibarang, Indramayu, which is managed by a subsidiary of Pupuk Indonesia, namely PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC). He said the stock in Line III warehouses throughout Indramayu Regency amounted to 9,392 tons. It consists of 6,942 tons of Urea and 2,450 tons of NPK as of 18 August 2022.

"The allocation in Indramayu is around 70,888 tons for one year, the minimum stock of fertilizer is around 3,000 tons for one month. Meanwhile, we have four warehouses for Urea, in Indramayu one of them is Jatibarang. The total stock of Urea today is 6,942 tons. Safe more than the provisions set by the Minister of Trade," Agus said.

Specifically for distribution, Agus said that the entire stock of subsidized fertilizer in the West Java-Banten-DKI Jakarta area will be distributed to 68 Line III warehouses in 22 regencies and 19 cities, involving 190 distributors and 3,322 complete fertilizer kiosks (KPL).

The distribution of subsidized fertilizer is distributed to all lines in accordance with the Decree (SK) of the regional head as a derivative rule of the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) No. 41 of 2021 which in the middle of this year was revised to become Minister of Agriculture No. 10 of 2022 which regulates the allocation of subsidized fertilizers for 2022.

The process of distributing subsidized fertilizers is also monitored by a digital system called the Distribution Planning & Control System (DPCS). This system can monitor all distribution movements up to the amount of subsidized fertilizer stock in the warehouse. Digitization is one of Pupuk Indonesia's efforts to ensure that fertilizer distribution goes well and according to regulations.

In addition, Pupuk Indonesia also constantly appeals to all distributors and authorized kiosk owners to always follow government regulations in distributing subsidized fertilizers.

It is stated that Pupuk Indonesia will not hesitate to take firm action against distributors. Pupuk Indonesia also regularly coordinates with KP3 and continues to strengthen the process of monitoring the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. Starting from factories (Line I), provincial-level warehouses (Lini II), district-level warehouses (Lini III), to official kiosks at the village level (Line IV).