House Of Representatives Commission I Chairperson Meutya Hafid: Personal Data Protection Bill Will Be Completed In September 2022

JAKARTA - Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I, Meutya Hafid, said that the Bill on the Protection of Personal Data (RUU PDP) could be passed as soon as possible into a law in a maximum of September 2022 following the DPR session in the period August-September 2022.

"God willing, this trial period (August-September 2022) will be over," said Meutya, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 20.

In the midst of digital transformation, the PDP Bill has become one of the most crucial draft laws because it involves data and public privacy issues in the country.

Especially in the light of cases of theft and leakage of data in various online services, its presence is increasingly needed so that there are stronger and binding regulations in taking action against problems in this cyberspace.

Previously, the discussion of the PDP Bill was delayed due to differences of opinion between the DPR and the Government in this case the Ministry of Communication and Informatics regarding the supervisory agency tasked with overseeing the practice of protecting personal data in Indonesia.

The DPR wants a special independent institution to handle the issue of Personal Data Protection so that its work can be neutral.

Meanwhile, the government wants the agency to be directly under the command of the Ministry of Communication and Information with the hope that the performance of handling cases of personal data protection violations can be more efficient.

However, it seems that the difference in the problem has found a bright spot and there has been a solution so that later supervisory agencies can still work to ensure that data protection practices in the country run well.

Meutya also believes that in the future the position of the data protection agency will have a strong performance.

"The bottom line is that the authority (the supervisory agency for personal data protection) will not only be based on what the legal basis is. But what is important is that we make the authority strong," said Meutya.

The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G.Plate also hopes that the PDP Bill can be completed in 2022 so that the practice of protecting personal data for the Indonesian people can run more optimally.

"Hopefully, during this session, there will be enough time for the working committee of the DPR RI so that the meetings can be continued and the PDP Bill can be promulgated soon," said Johnny.