Successful 10 Years Boy Cancer Surgery With Music Therapy Assistance

JAKARTA - A 10-year-old boy was performed to remove a tumor in the spinal cord at Riuniti Hospital in the Ancona area, downtown Italy.

Launching Reuters on Thursday, November 19, doctor Roberto Trignani operated for four hours. Uniquely, in the operating room next to the doctor, Emiliano Toso played classical music with his piano.

Not for style or for a need to exist on social media. According to Toso, the music that was played caused a response from the patient. The reason is, the music that plays has a therapeutic effect on the body.

"We try to stop and then turn the music back on, paying attention to the patient's response, despite the fact that he is under general anesthesia, the brain feels the music very pleasantly," said Toso.

The doctor stated that the operation went smoothly because there was a magical atmosphere from the harmony of the piano playing.

Quoting Classicfm, listening to classical music during surgery can increase the doctor's performance by up to 11 percent. The Mozart effect, as it is called, can reduce stress and keep surgeons focused as well as decreased patient anxiety.