Lhokbe The Sumatran Tiger Released By Aceh BKSDA In Gunung Leuser National Park

JAKARTA - The Aceh Conservation of Natural Resources (BKSDA) released a male Sumatran tiger into the Gunung Leuser National Park area, Thursday, August 18.

The 4-5-year-old Sumatran tiger release team consists of the Aceh KSDA Center (Section for Conservation Area 2 Subulussalam, Tapak Tuan KSDA Resort, Trumon KSDA Resort, Southeast Aceh KSDA Resort, and the Aceh BKSDA Medical Team); TNGL Center (Sector for Management of National Park Area 1 Tread and Division of National Park Management for Region 2 Kutacane), South Aceh Police, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS-IP), and FKL.

The selection of the release site was carried out after a survey and assessment of the feasibility of the carrying capacity of the habitat together with partners which included population studies, food availability, and habitat threats was carried out.

"This individual male Sumatran tiger was given the name 'Lhokbe'. The name was taken from the name of Lhok Bengkuang Village which was previously the location where the Sumatran tiger was rescued. The Sumatran tiger 'Lhokbe' was rescued from the village because it caused negative interactions, so it needs to be saved for security and safety. community and tiger animals," said the Head of the Aceh BKSDA, Agus Arianto in his statement, Friday, August 19.

From the results of observations and complete medical examinations of the Lhokbe Sumatran tiger while at the Office for National Park Management Region 1 Tapaktuan-Gunung Leuser National Park Center, the Sumatran tiger showed a healthy and normal condition.

This can be seen from good appetite and drinking, no physical defects, and good response to the environment. Further diagnosis of the health of the Sumatran tiger was also carried out by taking blood samples (serum) as material for haematological examination and CDV (Canine Distamper Virus) tests.

The results of routine blood tests and blood chemistry showed that the Sumatran tiger was in a normal and healthy condition, this was also evident from the results of the CDV test which showed negative results.

After going through a process of observation and a complete medical examination as well as a feasibility study of the release location, Lhokbe was finally released back into its habitat, namely the Gunung Leuser National Park.

During the trip to the release location, Lhokbe looked calm and in control under the supervision and supervision of the veterinarian team. When the cage was opened, Lhokbe swiftly and eagerly ran through the Gunung Leuser National Park area.

“Hopefully Lhokbe can adapt quickly and reproduce so that it can increase the population in nature. After the release of Lhokbe, monitoring will be carried out through camera traps to monitor its movement," said Agus.

The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is one of the protected species in Indonesia based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number: P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/6/2018. Based on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, this animal which is only found on the island of Sumatra is Critically Endangered.

The Aceh BKSDA and the Gunung Leuser National Park Center appreciated the support of all parties in the effort to save the Sumatran tiger and appealed to all levels of society to participate in preserving its habitat.

This is done by destroying the forest which is the habitat of various types of animals, and not catching, injuring, killing, storing, possessing, maintaining, transporting, and trading protected wild animals alive or dead and not installing snares, poisons, high voltage electric fences that can cause the death of protected wild animals which may be subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, some of these activities can cause wildlife conflicts, especially Sumatran tigers with humans, which can result in economic losses to fatalities for both humans and the survival of the wildlife.