Research Finds, Enjoying 2 Minutes Of Silence Lowers Stress Levels

YOGYAKARTA – Many think that silence is also an answer. If you are one of those who hold this belief, it means you recognize what the benefits of enjoying silence are for mental health. Even according to research conducted in 2013 showed that silence of at least two hours can result in the creation of new brain cells in areas of the human brain. It is related to learning, level of focus, and memory.

Citing a review of psychotherapist Atalanta Beaumont reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, August 18, silence has been found to stimulate brain growth. Because according to him, noise affects our stress levels by increasing cortisol and adrenaline. His statement is supported by research published in the journal Heart in 2006. The study found that silence can relieve tension in two minutes.

Beaumont explained further, silence can make the body and brain more 'relaxed' than listening to music. This finding is measured by a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in blood flow to the brain. Even in Conor O'Shea's writings, there is increased awareness and more time for personal reflection while enjoying time in silence. He said again, there is room to listen to the inner voice and make measured decisions at that time.

How to enjoy this beneficial silence?

Illustration of enjoying silence and silence is beneficial for mental health and brain (Unsplash/Chelsea Gates)

Beaumont recommends a number of ways. If you have trouble staying still and focusing on yourself, you can encourage meditation. A 10-minute meditation activity will help you focus on your breath.

If silence is considered as gold, silence is also good for your health. Caroline Nona also provides inspiration on how silence can heal. He said, “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”

Well, to silence the mind and away from overthinking, may be a challenge in itself. But that doesn't mean it can't be done, it just requires gradual practice every day.