Puteri Indonesia Sulsel 2017 Invites Millennials To Support DILAN In Makassar Pilkada

MAKASSAR - 2017 South Sulawesi's Indonesian Princess, Nur Fitriyani, confirmed her choice to support the candidate pair number 3 in the Makassar Pilkada, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (DILAN). The doctoral and doctor pair are considered the best choice for the advancement of Makassar City.

Fitri, Nur Fitriyani's nickname, expressed her support for DILAN motivated by a desire to contribute to developing the region. For Fitri, DILAN is a pro-millennial candidate pair. Both have programs that are pro-millennial and provide space for young people to create and collaborate in developing regions.

"DILAN is the most pro-millennial, siding with young people. They believe in the ability of young people, they do not even underestimate. Millennials need trust and opportunity, now that is given by DILAN," said Fitri, who is also Miss Makassar Tourism 2011, Wednesday , 18 November.

Fitri invites millennials not to stand idle by the 2020 Makassar Pilwalkot. Young people must act, participate in the success of the democratic party and contribute to regional development.

If millennials are apathetic again, then the room for millennials to develop may also be closed, especially if led by a figure who only prioritizes the interests of their group.

"What young people have to understand is that the Makassar Pilwalkot determines the fate and direction of city development for the next five years. Well, this political process will determine various matters concerning the public interest, including millennials, so don't be apathetic, make your choice," said Fitri.

"Yes, for now, the best choice and the most representative of the aspirations of millennials is DILAN. It's not limited to jargon and pro-millennial programs, but it's still young in age, especially Doctor Fadli (Fadli Ananda)," continued Duta. 2012 South Sulawesi Museum.

According to Fitri, the 2020 Makassar Pilkada is the best momentum to lead DILAN to lead the City of Daeng. Of course, young people will be proud, comfortable and happy if they have leaders who are close to millennials, but of course they will be supported by experience and capability in the government sector.

"Yes, when else can we have a mayor who is arrogant, fun and social. DILAN is nice and easy to hang out with. In the future, if young people have aspirations, it's easier to convey it, no need to go through complicated bureaucracy," he said.