Thousands Of Timbers Handed By KLHK For The Arrangement Of Bali's Mangrove Area

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Gakkum KLHK) handed over as much as 1,626 cubic meters of wood to the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR for structuring the Mangrove area of the Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park (Tahura) in Denpasar, Bali.

Head of the LHK Operations Sub-directorate Hari Novianto said the handover was represented by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's Director General of Gakkum, Ratio Ridho Sani to officers from the Bali Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center of the PUPR Ministry in Denpasar, Bali.

The arrangement of the Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park will be carried out as soon as possible because the Ngurah Rai Tahura Mangrove Area is one of the locations for visits by the Head of State and delegates at the G-20 Summit in November.

Hari Novianto said the thousands of confiscated logs were the result of law enforcement operations carried out by the KLHK Gakkum, which consisted of several types, namely Ulin, Merbau and Meranti wood.

The confiscated timber has the status of in kracht (permanent legal force, ed.) and is confiscated for the state, so that it can be used for the benefit of the state as regulated in Article 46 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) and Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 145/ PMK.06/2021 concerning Management of State Property (BMN) originating from state looted goods and goods of gratification.

Furthermore, as much as 1,626 cubic meters of confiscated wood will be processed and used for the Mangrove Area Arrangement of the Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park (Tahura) after receiving the Determination of the Status of Use of State Property (BMN) originating from state looting and approval for the transfer of status to the use of BMN to the Ministry of PUPR. from the Minister of Finance.

"The minutes of the transfer of the status of the use of BMN originating from goods in the form of wood have been made between the Balai Gakkum LHK in the Kalimantan region and the Balai Gakkum LHK in the Sulawesi region and the Bali Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center - the Ministry of PUPR," said Hari Novianto.

Meanwhile, the process of transferring the status of the use of wood BMN is the result of a collaboration between the KLHK Balai Gakkum for the Kalimantan region, the Samarinda District Attorney, the Regional Office of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, and the Balai Gakkum KLHK Sulawesi Region, the Attorney General's Office, High Prosecutor's Office, Makassar District Attorney, and Makassar State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) and the Ministry of Finance.

The confiscated timber was the result of the LHK Law Enforcement Operation in East Kalimantan and the KLHK Task Force law enforcement operation in South Sulawesi in 2019.

Hari Novianto explained that 1,219 cubic meters of confiscated timber resulted from law enforcement operations in East Kalimantan in the case with the suspects UD Hamka, UD Furqon, UD. SER, CV Mitra Makmur, CV. BM 777 and Ahmad Sokheh. Meanwhile, 407 M3 of confiscated wood resulted from law enforcement operations in South Sulawesi in the case with the suspects Daniel Garden, Dedi Tendean, Thonny Sahetappy, Ir. Budi Antono.

All of these cases have permanent legal force where the perpetrators have been sentenced to imprisonment and criminal fines, as well as wood evidence confiscated for the state.

Regarding the efforts to protect the environment and forestry, Hari stated that the KLHK Gakkum consistently and intensively continues to carry out security operations and law enforcement to ensure the security of the environment and forest areas.

Based on data from the KLHK Gakkum, in recent years the KLHK Gakkum has carried out 1,839 operations to protect the environment and forest areas in Indonesia, 698 of which are illegal logging operations.

The KLHK Gakkum has brought 1,285 criminal and civil cases to court, both related to corporate and individual criminals.