Bogor Regency Government Handles Floods In 3 Cibinong Housings

CIBINONG - The government of Bogor Regency, West Java, is handling floods in three housing estates located in Cibinong District, by sucking the stagnant water using a pump machine.

"For the short term, for example, in Mutiara Hijau Residence, by cleaning the garbage in the drainage in front of the Sayaga Hotel, then sucking up water from the hotel and residential areas," said the Assistant for Economics and Development at the Regional Secretariat (Setda) of Bogor Regency, Nuradi while leading the way. flood management was reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 17.

According to him, the handling of this flood involves various agencies such as the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (DPUPR), the Housing and Settlement Areas (DPKPP), the Environment Service (DLH), and the Fire Department (Disdamkar). ).

Nuradi said that the handling was carried out not only in the short term, but also discussed intensely through joint meetings between regional officials.

"Together with PUPR and DPKPP we will also build embankments and review wells, we are looking for a solution to source the budget," explained Nuradi.

The water with a height of about 120 centimeters since Monday (15/8) began to recede on Tuesday night after joint handling was carried out.

Previously, three housing estates in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, namely Nirwana Golden Park, Mutiara Hijau Residence and Grand Cibinong, were flooded all day due to blockage of culverts.

"So there are clogged culverts. There is garbage and also from hotel construction materials. This is being cleaned. Because the conditions are cloudy again, it is feared that the flooding will be prolonged," said Cibinong sub-district head Rusliandy in Bogor, Tuesday.

The water with a height of about 120 centimeters submerged dozens of houses located not far from the Sayaga Hotel building. The hotel is currently under construction by the Bogor Regency Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD), PT Sayaga Wisata.