YIA Airport Train Increases Travel Frequency To 24 Times Per Day

YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Airport Train has increased the frequency of trips to 24 round-trip times a day which will take effect from Wednesday (17/8).

"With this additional frequency of trips, we hope to be able to provide services to more customers," said Public Relations of KAI Diah Suryandari Airport as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 16.

Previously, YIA Airport Train served 20 trips per day or 10 round trips from Tugu Yogyakarta Station to YIA Airport Station.

According to him, the increase in the frequency of YIA Airport train trips is done because the airport train is one of the modes of transportation to YIA Airport which is in great demand by the public, both business people and tourists.

"In order to meet the public's interest and demand, we decided to increase the frequency of trips from 20 times a day to 24 times a day," he said.

The airport train journey from Yogyakarta Tugu Station begins at 05.00 WIB and the last trip is scheduled at 18.00 WIB. Meanwhile, from YIA Airport Station, the first trip starts at 07.21 WIB and the last one at 19.15 WIB.

Although the frequency of YIA Airport train trips has increased, the ticket price has not changed, which is still IDR 20,000 from Tugu Yogyakarta Station to YIA Airport Station and vice versa. Meanwhile, from Wates Station to Yogyakarta Station or vice versa, it is still Rp. 10,000.

Tickets can be purchased online through the KAI Access application, the Railink website or the Airport Train application. While offline purchases are served at vending machines and counter services at departure stations.

Previously, the capacity of YIA Airport Train, which was originally set at 100 percent, has been increased to 120 percent so that it is possible for passengers to stand up to a maximum of 20 percent of the capacity.