In The Aftermath Of The Case Of Mistreatment Of Students At SMKN 1 Jakarta, DPRD Asks Teachers To Be Tested For Psychology

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Iman Satria, has asked the DKI Education Office to periodically conduct psychological tests on all public school teachers in Jakarta.

Faith's suggestion is the aftermath of the case of mistreatment of unscrupulous teachers on one of the students of SMKN 1 Jakarta. According to Iman, psychological tests need to be carried out to find psychological causes for similar cases.

"Later, we will see why this teacher did that, whether the psychological test is lacking. This must be retested, whether it's once or twice a year," said Iman when contacted, Tuesday, August 16.

According to Iman, the length of time a teacher teaches in a school is also a determining factor in their respective psychology, which can have an impact on the way teachers deal with students.

"Sometimes, if a teacher has been in (one) school for too long, he will feel bored. Then, if a teacher who has just moved in, he has to adjust. Those who were previously in a good place, moved, met with naughty children. , it could also be different temperament, "said Iman.

Regarding the case of abuse at SMKN 1 Jakarta, Iman views that such action cannot be justified. Because teachers are role models for students.

"Even if this happens it is not justified, anything is not allowed because the teacher is a role model, even though the child is naughty. So, it is no longer a model in that way anymore," explained Faith.

As naughty students are, Iman sees there are other ways that teachers can face to discipline them. Starting from notification to their respective parents, to facilitating counseling guidance.

"There is a mechanism for punishing him to what extent he is naughty. What is certain is that this is no longer the time to torture. The parents should be informed. Counseling is also necessary, why is the child like this, is there pressure at home, or what," he explained.

It was previously reported that a student of SMKN 1 class XII with the initials RH (18) found bruises on his eyes as a result of being abused by a teacher with the initials HT at his school.

Ramdhani, the victim's parent, said that his son was abused in the gym teacher's room on Friday, August 12.

"My son has bruises on his right eye, and his lips are also injured. We have also received a post-mortem at the Central Jakarta Hospital," Ramdhani said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, August 15.

Ramdhani continued, the incident began when an unscrupulous teacher with the initials HT received news that RH had been harassing his classmate.

"My son just didn't know about the problem of bullying that happened to class X students. When he was called, he asked my son, then my son said he didn't know," he said.

After his son answered that he did not know, the TNI member continued, the teacher immediately slapped RH. Not only that, RH was also hit in the chest and turned around until he was stepped on.