History Of The Proclamation Of Indonesian Independence: The Great Indonesia Song Resonates Without Music

JAKARTA - The desire of the natives to release the shackles of colonialism is final. There is no longer any reason to delay the proclamation of Indonesian independence. Freedom fighters from the young group immediately forced the old group to realize independence.

The request was realized. The proclamation of Indonesian independence was held on August 17, 1945. Soekarno and Hatta became representatives of the Indonesian people. The proclamation of independence was even more solemn with the hoisting of the Red and White Flag and the Great Indonesia Anthem, without music.

The incident of Japan surrendering to the allies is an unforgettable moment in the history of the Indonesian nation. His influence is quite large for the world. However, not necessarily for Indonesia. Japan's military power is still considered too strong. That is what is in the heads of the old Indonesian freedom fighters.

They consider the plans of the young group to forcefully fight against Japan by taking up arms is a mere fantasy. Moreover, the Japanese troops in Java were considered intact. The old group immediately asked the younger group to hold on to anger and think realistically.

Soekarno prays during the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945. (Wikimedia Commons)

Bung Karno and Bung Hatta shared this view when young people kidnapped them to Rengasdengklok. Because of this plan, Bung Hatta Hatta said that the youth group was not carrying out a revolution. However, killing the revolution. The attack was aborted. Freedom does not have to take up arms, he thought.

Japan had previously promised independence. So, there is nothing wrong if Indonesia carries out the proclamation of independence immediately. Therefore, the old and young groups agreed to formulate the proclamation of Indonesian independence.

A pro-Indonesian Japanese military official, Admiral Meida, also facilitated the venue. So that the security of freedom fighters is guaranteed. As a result, all agreed that the Proclamation of Independence was carried out the next day, August 17, 1945.

“I just woke up after the morning prayer, and woke up around 8:30 am. After bathing and shaving, I got ready to go to Pegangsaan Timur 56, to attend the reading of the text of the proclamation to the people and raise the flag of the Red and White which will be locked with the anthem Indonesia Raya."

“About 10 to 10 minutes I left the house and five minutes before 10 I was there. People know that I'm always on time. That's why no one is nervous, if I'm going to be late. Soekarno was not worried, because he knew my habits," said Bung Hatta in the book Mohammad Hatta: Memoir (1979).

Red and White Flying and Greater Indonesia Reverberate

There were historic moments. One by one the natives came to the house of Pegangsaan Timur 56. The atmosphere was solemn. Especially when it was a month full of blessings, the month of Ramadan. Since morning, the spirit of freedom fighters has been high. Tense, of course.

Slowly, the morning sun began to rise. that was what later became a marker for the proclamation of Indonesian independence to begin soon. Bung Karno immediately took on the role. The owner of the house made his speech first.

As usual, Bung Karno's booming rhetoric was able to dispel the tension and stiffness of the atmosphere. The sound of applause dominated after that. Moreover, Bung Karno mentioned the audience who came as historical witnesses of one of the most important events. Namely: the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.

According to the estimation of his wife, Fatmawati, the Bumiputras who came reached more than 300 people. After finishing his speech, Bung Karno then continued with the reading of the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence. The reading of the proclamation was so shocking.

Indonesian independence caricature. (Wikimedia Commons)

Many of those present immediately burst into tears. Moved. On average, they were moved by the fact that Indonesia's independence, which had previously been considered a myth, had finally materialized. Pride accompanies all those who come.

The flag-raising ceremony was accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Raya. However, it's different from what it used to be. The song Indonesia Raya at that time was only sung, without music. In fact, previously the song Indonesia Raya was often played complete with music. Sometimes it's just music.

“After he finished giving his speech, Bung Karno started reading the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence. I saw some people shed tears, happy mixed with emotion. I could see Pak Suwirjo sobbing, and so did I. At that time I saw many men who shed tears. I saw Bung Karno and Bung Hatta shaking hands, meanwhile Pak Latief Hendraningrat was preparing to raise the Sang Saka Merah Putih ceremony."

“I together with SK Trimurti headed for the flagpole. The flag ceremony was led by Mr. Latief, accompanied by the song Indonesia Raya, without music. All orderly and special. Mr., Bung Hatta and the guests talked to each other towards the reception room, the dining room which can accommodate approximately 200 people. Meanwhile, I have provided snacks before," said Fatmawati in the book Small Notes with Bung Karno (2016).