In Order To Be Able To Adapt To Change, Here Are 5 Perspectives You Need To Have

YOGYAKARTA – Like time, changes are experienced in all aspects of life. It may not be felt drastically, but change is inevitable. Starting from moving cities, changing seasons, to the challenges of life in solving problems, it is unavoidable. So, what does it take to 'welcome' change? The ability to adapt determines how you get through it.

Not a few feel tired and want to give up. It even takes a long time to animate feelings of sadness at an unexpected event. But again, change requires the ability to adapt. According to Robert Puff, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, August 16, being able to adjust to changes makes our lives better. But when we scream about how unfair life is, we suffer, Puff wrote. To learn to adapt to change, it's Puff's note to keep in mind.

1. Prepare well

Change is often unexpected, and this is often down. Keep in mind, sudden changes can only shake the world when they are not expected. But when we accept that life will change, we don't scream about 'life is unfair' or 'why 95 percent of life is a problem'. That is, build a perspective or understanding that life is always changing and you are ready to go through it.

Illustration of how to adapt to change (Unsplash/Marcos Paulo Prado)
2. Acknowledge and adapt to change

When understanding life is an adventure, it means acknowledging that changing life is a track that needs to be passed. Adjusting to change is not finding fault. But you can't accept bitterness either. Instead, one must build skills in adapting. For example, separation, pain, loss, sometimes cannot be treated. What is needed is to change your lifestyle to adapt to the current conditions.

3. Accept changes

Instead of asking yourself why something happened, it's better to accept the changes you are experiencing. When you accept change, you can find ways to cope and make the change work for you. Most importantly, how people deal with change has to do with how they perceive challenges.

4. Happiness is not material

Not a few people are well off but do not feel happy in their lives. There is also a simple life but looks prosperous. So what is important about these two different lives? It proves that material things are not the key to happiness. But adapting to changes means that it does not depend on 'goods' and conditions.

5. Make a decision

We can never escape for a second from change. So, it is necessary to decide whether to make yourself through it or question the changes that have occurred and the process has stalled. Maybe you don't like change, or are upset for a while. But you still need to focus ahead of new circumstances and make life decisions so that you go on a certain path.