Bawaslu And Kominfo Find 38 Hoax Issues Ahead Of The 2020 Pilkada

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia found 38 hoax issues that have been circulating on social media ahead of the 2020 Pilkada. Issues circulating are regarding postponement of regional elections to the implementation of online elections.

"We find on the internet content whether it is about the postponement of the Pilkada, difficulties or disinformation during the Pilkada process," said Indonesian Bawaslu member Fritz Siregar at a press conference "Supervision and Handling of Pilkada 2020 Content", Wednesday, November 18.

Of the 217 URLs or links obtained from Kominfo, there are 65 links that violate Article 69 letter c of the Election Law regarding campaign prohibitions. Meanwhile, 10 other links are regarding Article 62 PKPU which is linked to Article 28 of the ITE Law, regarding fake news or disinformation.

"Of the nine reports from, we found one report that violated article 62 PKPU 13 2020. If we look at the reports we got, Bawaslu also received reports of 36 reports of campaign violations from social media that entered via online form," he said. Fritz.

Fritz also said that there were campaign advertising violations through social media accounts. Based on data obtained from @libraryfacebook, there are 49 active campaigns as of October 21, 12 active campaign ads as of October 29, 20 active ads as of November 6 and 24 active ads as of November 13.

"In total until today there are 105 active campaign advertisements during the campaign period and it is against PKPU 13 2020 regarding the campaign schedule," said Fritz.

Fritz explained that the campaign advertisement should only be implemented 14 days before voting time, but what Bawaslu and Kominfo found the candidates had done it before the campaign period.

In addition, Bawaslu has also examined 380 internet content violations and 182 contents have been taken down, taken down, related to violations of the Election Law, ITE or the Criminal Code. This also includes take downs for advertising violations.