Akhyar Nasution Talks About The Dynamics Of The Medan Pilkada: These Are Times Of Temptation, Lure

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Candidate Akhyar Nasution said that the Medan Pilkada campaign is only 3 weeks away. Medan residents are expected to support themselves with the vice mayor candidate Salman Alfarisi and resist the temptation of money politics.

"We are in three weeks. Medan City Pilkada, we are already on our way. Now we are at the stage of convincing society, for these are times of temptation, seduced by gifts, lures. Regarding the legal status, it is Pak Ustadz who knows more about this, what is the status, "said Akhyar Nasution, Wednesday, November 18.

To the ustaz, Akhyar Nasution stated that he and Salman Alfarisi were a complementary candidate pair. Therefore, it is hoped that support can be won so that the Medan Pilkada can be won for the sake of planned city development in the future.

"Akhyar and Salman are not people who can solve all problems. We are ordinary humans, Salman is an ustadz, I am an ordinary engineer, but we can complement each other so that the direction of Medan City development is really focused," continued Akhyar.

Akhyar Nasution explained the assistance program for underprivileged residents. Rice ATMs will later be provided in houses of worship to be distributed to underprivileged residents in the neighborhood.

This program, continued Akhyar, was inspired by the story of Umar Bin Khattab.

"In the past, maybe the people were not so many, so it was not so difficult to go straight to the residents' houses. But in this day and age, we have a large population, this method is the most effective," he explained.

In addition, there is also assistance with fardhu kifayah equipment for poor residents.

"Apart from the fardhu kifayah equipment, we will also prepare an integrated free ambulance," he said.

"So ladies and gentlemen, we have many things to do. For that, we ask for prayers, ask for support from all fathers," said Akhyar.

Today Akhyar received support from the Akhyar-Salman Supporting Ustaz Gathering Alliance. Chairman of the Ustaz Supporting Akhyar-Salman Gathering Alliance, H Nur Muhammad Hasibuan, said the presence of the ustaz-ustaz was a form of support for the victory of Akhyar-Salman in the Medan Regional Election.

"We chose Akhyar-Salman because he is experienced, and is the most capable of working to beautify the city of Medan," said Nur.

Meanwhile, Burhanuddin Sitepu, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Ustaz Alliance for Akhyar-Salman, said that Akhyars had mastered the ins and outs of Medan. Akhyar knows the problems and how to deal with them.

"Like a doctor, he already knows the prescription and the medicine," said Burhanuddin.