The Son Of The Husband Of The Prosecutor Pinangki Revealed A Request To Exchange Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars

JAKARTA - The General Prosecutor (JPU) presented the subordinates of Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari's husband, Beni Sastrawan as a witness in the case of alleged gratification in the processing of a fatwa at the Supreme Court (MA).

During the trial, Beni gave testimony about the request to exchange foreign currency (forex) by AKBP Napitupulu Yogi Yusuf. This testimony is to prove the alleged money laundering (TPPU).

Benny said the request to exchange foreign money, as he remembered, was carried out 4-5 times at Dolarasia Money Changer, Melawai. The nominal is in the thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.

"I was asked to exchange foreign currency, namely on the orders of Mr. Yogi because according to him he received an SMS or WhatsApp from Mrs. Pinangki," Beni said at the trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 18.

In four foreign currency exchanges, the nominal varies. There are three foreign currency exchanges with a nominal value of IDR 10,000 and one exchange of IDR 17,600 in United States (US) dollars.

Then, the money that had been exchanged was immediately transferred to two different accounts, namely in the names of Pinangki Sirna Malasari and Pungki Primarini.

"The order is one transfer to the mother's account (Pinangki)," he said

"So one foreign currency, one envelope was asked to transfer part of it to the mother's younger sister," he continued.

As Beni recalls, the results of the foreign currency exchange were given in cash. But he couldn't remember exactly when it was.

Beni did not hand over the cash directly to Pinangki. He handed it over to Sugiarto or the accused's former driver.

"I never met my mother directly, only with Mr. Gito (Sugiarto). After finishing I returned to the report office to Pak Yogi, "he said.

Pinangki Sirna Malasari was charged with laundering Rp. 6.2 billion. This money is a down payment of a total of US $ 500 thousand given by Djoko Tjandra for the processing of a fatwa from the Supreme Court (MA) so that he will not be imprisoned in the case of transfer of claim rights to the Bali bank.

In the indictment, the Pinangki prosecutor changed USD 337,600 into IDR 4,753,829,000 rupiah. This currency exchange is called the prosecutor mode for the crime of money laundering which aims to disguise the origin of assets from corruption.

"In 2019 to 2020 the defendant exchanged US dollars in the amount of USD 337,600 with a total exchange value into rupiah currency of Rp. 4,753,829,000 by using someone else's name, namely Sugiarto (staff of the defendant), Beni Sastrawan (staff of the husband of the defendant. who is a member of the National Police) and Dede Muryadi Sairi, ”said the prosecutor reading the indictment at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 23.

The prosecutor reviewed the exchange of US dollars through Beni Sastrawan in the indictment. Initially, the Pinangki prosecutor asked her husband AKBP Napitupulu Yogi Yusuf to exchange the currency.

"Then AKBP Napitupulu Yogi ordered his staff named Beni Sastrawan to meet the defendant's sopor named Sugiarto to exchange the defendant's USD currency," said the prosecutor.

The money from Djoko Tjandra was used by Pinangki to buy a BMW X5 for Rp1,753,836,050; paid for rent for an apartment in the United States amounting to Rp.412,705,554. Also used to pay for beauticians in the US.

"The defendant paid for a beauty doctor in the US on December 16, 2019 amounting to Rp.419,430," said the prosecutor.

Then the money from Djoko Tjandra is used for home care doctor payments, credit card payments and Darmawangsa Essence apartment rental payments.

For his actions, Pinangki was charged with Article 3 of Law Number 8 Year 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.