Will Get Funds From Chairul Tanjung, Bank Bengkulu Is More Confident To Become A BUKU II Bank

JAKARTA - The President Commissioner (Komut) of Bank Bengkulu, Ridwan Nurazi, denied that there was an issue that Bengkulu Bank would go down caste to become a People's Credit Bank (BPR) which had made a number of customers panic and withdrew their money.

"Due to the issue, some of our customers have withdrawn their money from Bengkulu Bank because they thought it would become a real BPR. So that is not true and it is guaranteed that Bengkulu Bank will not become a BPR," Ridwan said, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 18.

Ridwan asked Bengkulu Bank customers to remain calm and do not believe in the issue, because it is impossible for Bengkulu Bank to downgrade to become a BPR.

The issue of Bengkulu Bank being downgraded to BPR status arose because until now the management has not been able to meet the core capital of Rp1 trillion, which is the requirement for commercial banks for business activities (BUKU) II.

According to Ridwan, currently his party still lacks capital of around Rp. 134 billion to meet core capital in accordance with OJK regulation number 12 / POJK.03 / 2020 concerning commercial bank consolidation.

"In the following year it must be Rp. 2 trillion, the following year it must be Rp. 3 trillion. For this alone we are struggling, right, but later there will be a bank business group KUB," he explained.

Ridwan admitted that his party had made several efforts to fulfill the bank's core capital so that its status could become BUKU II, one of which was by selling series B shares to several large companies in Bengkulu.

In addition, he said, his party has also collaborated with PT Mega Corpora to meet the core capital of Bank Bengkulu. However, the company owned by Chairul Tanjung will disburse its money in several stages.

For the first phase, PT Mega Corpora will buy Bank Bengkulu shares worth IDR 100 billion and the next phase will be distributed in April 2021.

"Next Monday we will hold a general meeting of shareholders (GMS) and there will be determined all kinds, about two or three days after that the money will come in," said Ridwan.