Prabowo Receives Four Main Honorary Stars, Pinned By The TNI Commander And Three Chiefs Of Staff Of The Army

JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto received four honorary stars awarded by the Indonesia Army (TNI) Commander and three army chiefs of staff.

The four honorary stars are Bintang Yudha Dharma Utama, which was assigned to Prabowo by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa, and Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Utama, which was assigned by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian National Army, General TNI Dudung Abdurrahman.

Then the Bintang Jalasena Utama, which was pinned by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral Yudo Margono, and the Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Utama, which was pinned by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force, Marshal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo.

The awarding of the Bintang Yudha Dharma Utama Honorary Sign to Prabowo is based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13/Tk/the Year 2022. The Bintang Yudha Dharma is a sign of honor given by the government to honor the Dharmabakti services of someone who really benefits the nation and state.

Meanwhile, Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Utama is a sign of honor given by the government to honor the services of an extraordinary soldier for the advancement and development of the Army.

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto received four honorary stars pinned by the TNI Commander and three chiefs of staff of the force / PHOTO: Prabowo Subianto Media Team

Bintang Jalasena Utama is an honorary star given to appreciate loyalty, ability, wisdom, and services that exceed obligations in the field of Navy military duties.

The Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Utama is a sign of honor bestowed by the government to honor a soldier for his extraordinary service to the progress and development of the Indonesian Air Force.

At that moment, Prabowo also pinned Bintang Yudha Dharma Utama to Andika Perkasa.