Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison, Vanessa Angel Is Punished At Pondok Bambu Prison

JAKARTA - Celebrity Vanessa Angel began serving a sentence at the Pondok Bambu Women's Prison, East Jakarta, after being sentenced to three months in prison by a panel of judges at the West Jakarta District Court.

"Today Vanessa Angel has begun serving her sentence at the Pondok Bambu Prison," said Head of Intelligence at the West Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office, Edwin Beslar in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 18.

Vanessa, who was involved in the psychotropic possession case, said Edwin, came voluntarily to the Pondok Bambu Prison with her legal advisor, without being picked up from the West Jakarta Prosecutor's Office.

Meanwhile, regarding the prison term that Vanessa Angel will serve after being reduced by the city detention period, Edwin leaves it completely to the Pondok Bambu Prison. "You can ask Vanessa's detention period at the Pondok Bambu Prison," he said.

The panel of judges at the West Jakarta District Court has sentenced Vanessa Angel to three months in prison for the possession of xanax psychotropic substances.

"Sentenced Vanessa Angel to three months imprisonment with a subsidiary fine of Rp. 10 million," said Chief Judge Setyanto Hermawan.

The detention period will be reduced by the detention period starting April 9 by the West Jakarta Metro Police, until his detention period as a city detainee. One day of imprisonment in prison converts to five days of city arrest.

Vanessa Angel was found guilty of possession of a psychotropic drug in the form of 20 xanax pills that she had obtained by prescription from an expired doctor.

Vanessa violated Article 62 of Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics in conjunction with Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 of 2018 concerning Amendments to the Classification of Psychotropics in the Appendix of Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics.