'Extraordinary', Commission III's Response After Knowing Over 100 Percent Over Capacity Of Jambi Prisons

JAKARTA - Commission III of the House of Representatives highlighted the high number of inmates in prisons in Jambi. The overload is even more than 100 percent translucent.

This was said by the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Prince Khairul Saleh and his team after conducting a recess work visit at Jambi prison. Prince said the overcapacity of prisons in Jambi had reached 106 percent, with the highest number of occupants in Class IIA Jambi prisons amounting to 1,396 from a capacity of only 417 people.

"So, as a result of today's working visit with the Head of Regional Office of Kumham, High Court, High Court of Religion, and TUN Jambi Court, friends (Members of Commission III DPR RI) have asked a lot of questions regarding the overcapacity of prisons. reached 106 percent," said Prince quoted from the official Parliament website, Monday, August 15.

To overcome this condition, the legislator of the South Kalimantan I electoral district requested that law enforcement officers, including the Police, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Courts can apply restorative justice to reduce the burden on prisons.

He emphasized that law enforcement officers can be selective in determining cases that need to be sentenced to prison, so that cases with small losses are sentenced to imprisonment for more than one year and also burden the State Budget to pay court fees.

"Now from this over capacity, friends (Members of Commission III DPR RI), it is requested that if there are minor issues that have been investigated by the Police, restorative justice can be applied in the Police, and this also applies to others, including if they are already in court," continued he.

"We hope that the Court will also implement what has been conveyed by the Director General of Badilum regarding the application of restorative justice. Do not let the problem be light, the loss is small, only 100 thousand but the person is sentenced to 1-1.5 years," said the PAN politician.

Earlier in the meeting, the Head of the Regional Office for Kumham Jambi Tholib explained that there were 10 prisons and 1 LPKA in Jambi province. Of the 11 prisons, it can accommodate as many as 2,410 inmates. However, Tholib explained, currently the number of inmates in Prov. Jambi reached 4,913, so there was an over capacity of 2,558 assisted residents. The number of comparisons between officers and inmates also reached 1:35 from the ideal ratio of 1 officer to 20 inmates.