Reports Of Harassment In The Murder Case Of Brigadier J Unproven, Wife Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo Can Be Convicted?

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has stopped investigating the alleged abuse case reported by the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Chandrawathi, because there was no evidence of a criminal act. In fact, the report was said to be just an attempt to block the investigation or obstruction of justice in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J.

With the effort to prevent it, the question arises about the possibility of Princess Chandrawathi can be sentenced.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, who was questioned about this matter, did not answer directly. He only stated that he was still waiting from the Special Inspectorate (Itsus) team.

"Waiting for an audit from the Timsus through Itsus," Agus said when confirmed, Monday, August 15.

However, on the previous occasion, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo had stated that he would take firm action against those who attempted to obstruct the investigation.

Although, at that time the context of the party in question was more of a member of the Police because it was known that there was an attempt to eliminate evidence in the form of CCTV.

"There was a damaged CCTV that was taken at the time at the security guard and we have also investigated that and we have found out how the process was taken and who took it, we have also checked and now of course we will carry out the next process," said the National Police Chief, Thursday, August 4. .

"Of course, the obstacle to the effort to prove is the existence of damaged or omitted evidence so that it takes time to fully reveal this case," he continued.

In the ongoing investigation process, the perpetrators who can be said to have hampered the investigation process will undergo a code of ethics trial. The goal is to ensure the imposition of sanctions.

"We will process it later based on the results of the decision whether this is a violation of the code of ethics or a criminal violation," said the National Police Chief.

For information, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has stopped the LP for the alleged sexual harassment case reported by Putri Chandrawathi. Including LP alleged threats accompanied by violence. Two prisons were closed because the case of Brigadier J's death due to premeditated murder was considered a criminal matter.

"We consider the two LPs to be part of the obstruction of justice," said the Director of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Department, Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi.

The two prison prisons reported by the wife of Inspector General Fedy Smabo were also considered 'obfuscation' of the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier J. The two prisons were referred to as alibis to cover up Brigadier J's death because he was murdered.

"This is part of an effort to prevent the disclosure of case 340 (premeditated murder, ed)," he said