Princess Diana's Dark Episode In Season Four Of The Crown

JAKARTA - The Netflix original series The Crown is entering its fourth season since Saturday, November 14. This series tells of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II by Piers Morgan.

The audience is looking forward to the fourth season of the series. Especially after they find out that there will be a story about Princess Diana who is a member of the British Royal family.

The story begins when the British Empire wants to find a partner for Prince Charles (Josh O 'Connor). He, who is 30 years old, has not yet found his life partner even though at that time he was close to Princess Sarah Spencer, Princess Diana's sister.

On the other hand, he is also in a relationship with Camilla Shand (Emerald Fennell). In the fourth season of the series, Prince Charles met Princess Diana at Diana's residence.

After being in a relationship for a while, the two decided to get engaged in 1981. Their engagement process of course got media coverage.

Half asked, at that time a reporter said that the two of them seemed to really love each other. Diana replied "Of course." Meanwhile, Charles replied, "Whatever means love." This iconic interview scene in The Crown is exactly what happens in the real world.

Breaking Tradition

Married that same year, Princess Diana 'broke' several household traditions in the Kingdom. In the series The Crown, Diana is seen carrying William, their first child on their way to a tour of Australia and New Zealand in 1983.

"Diana and Charles bucked the royal trend of 'separating' by taking nine-month-old William and his guardian on a six-week trip to Australia and New Zealand," royal expert Christopher Warwick quoted Harpers Bazaar as saying.

Diana also mingles with everyone she meets. In one scene, Diana visits children lying in the hospital. It's different from other Kingdom members who usually just smile while looking at this sick person.

“Diana was the first member of the royal family to do this. The Royal Family used to think everyone should respect them, but Diana said, “If someone is nervous looking at you or you are talking to young people and sick people, put yourself in their shoes,” said Ingrid Seward, editor of Majesty magazine.


Diana came into conflict with herself. He also knows about Charles and Camilla's relationship. Yes, Charles keeps wanting to be with Camilla even though he has lived a household ark with Diana.

When she felt insecure, Princess Diana filled her stomach with food many times a day. After that, there was a feeling of disgust in the stomach that seemed to be bloated from eating. This prompted him to regurgitate the food he had eaten.

According to The Crown's production team, they encountered no difficulty or risk when portraying bulimia scenes because Princess Diana was open to this. This fact about bulimia was revealed by Princess Diana during an interview with journalist Martin Bashir in 1995. Princess Diana called bulimia as her secret disease.

This scene is beautifully presented by Emma Corrin (who plays Diana) after going through a number of observations to make sure the scene doesn't chlorify bulimia. The production team of The Crown also warned viewers that the bulimia scene in the series could trigger a response for sensitive people.

"I just thought that if I didn't include (the scene of Diana's struggle with bulimia) it would deny the former Princess of Wales the complexity of her character," Piers Morgan told Vanity Fair.

Royal response

Since the first season, people have often been waiting for the Kingdom's reaction. Every release, members of the Kingdom are always involved in discussions about the storyline of The Crown.

Reportedly, especially for the fourth season, the Kingdom was not satisfied. Launching the Daily Mail, insiders in the Kingdom call this series just a 'drama' without paying attention to Kingdom life.

“Bringing up the events of the difficult times 25-30 years ago without thinking about people's feelings. This is not a matter of right or fair, when many things are shown that do not display the truth. "

"The public shouldn't be fooled into thinking this is an accurate portrait of what really happened."

The British Empire did not provide any official comment, but suspicions have arisen given that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just signed a partnership with Netflix.

Not a few people feel suspicious that Harry is taking advantage of the streaming company. Many expect Harry's contract with Netflix to be canceled. “Where are all the profits made by Netflix? The Crown. "

One of them columnist Emily Andrew wrote in the Mail on Sunday about Harry's contract with Netflix. “There was never a family member who was involved in insulting the Kingdom. By making a contract with Netflix, Prince Harry and his ex-Hollywood star wife seem to be trying to rake in the benefits of being honest about the royal family. "

"The $ 100 million contract with the streaming giant will help Harry's financial freedom but it is a matter of suspicion - especially those close to Charles and William."

"How does he take money from companies that slander his family?"

Harry and Meghan are working with Netflix to produce documentaries dealing with environmental issues. Neither Harry and Meghan will be present in their project. The two of them also have not spoken about this protest.

The fourth season of The Crown can be watched exclusively on Netflix.