Hunting For Begal At Warteg Pesanggrahan

JAKARTA - The police claim that they already know the identity of the muggers at the warteg who went viral on social media some time ago. However, the police have not arrested the perpetrators, even though it is stated on social media that the perpetrators have been arrested.

"We have pocketed the identity of the perpetrator. Today, we plan to arrest him," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22.

From the results of the crime scene (TKP) and CCTV camera recordings, the perpetrators who took action on Jalan Soelaiman, Petukangan, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, totaled three people.

From there it is also known that the perpetrators have different roles. One perpetrator was tasked with scaring with a sharp weapon, and there were also those who took the role of taking the victim's valuables, and there was a duty to remain on the motorbike while observing the surroundings.

"Meanwhile, the three perpetrators. Meanwhile we can pocket (their identities)," said Yusri.

In the CCTV footage circulating, the action happened to a man who was eating food at a warteg. At that time, two men immediately entered the warteg. One of them appeared to be holding sickles and threatening the victim. Meanwhile, other perpetrators seized the victim's belongings. One other actor was seen waiting outside.