There Are Still Some Who Bet Money With Cockfighting, 12 People Are Finally Arrested In Tana Toraja

TANA TORAJA - There are still residents who bet money for cockfighting gambling. Finally, 12 people became suspects in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

Tana Toraja Police Public Relations Head, Aiptu Erwin, said the 12 cockfighting gamblers were arrested in several different locations.

"Five people were arrested in Tonglo Village, Rantetayo District, Two people in Bebo Village, North Sangalla District, five more were arrested in Padokko Village, Maroson Village, Kurra District," said Aiptu Erwin, contacted by VOI, Tuesday, November 17.

Police said the five suspects with the initials Ssl (63), Mts, (50), Slb (44), Jp (39), IR (28) were arrested at the end of October. Meanwhile, the other two suspects were arrested YB (21) and Snr (33), Saturday, November 14.

"Five other suspects were arrested on Sunday, November 15, with the initials, Yt (50), Ps (29), Ys (41), Yp (52), Al (39)," he said.

In addition to determining the suspect, the police also secured a number of pieces of evidence used to play cockfighting gambling. Among them, cash, chicken spurs and several other evidence.

"The 12 people have been named as suspects along with evidence for further legal proceedings. The suspects are charged under Article 303 of the Criminal Code, with a maximum prison sentence of 10 years," he explained.