Why Sleepy After Sex? According To Experts: The Love Hormone Makes The Body Relax

YOGYAKARTA – Oxytocin is known as the love hormone, which is released after reaching orgasm along with the hormone prolactin. Sex also reduces the stress hormone cortisol. That's why many couples feel sleepy after making love.

For committed couples or married couples, making love is a sexual activity that not only serves to establish physical intimacy but also emotional. Many experts research the link between sexual intercourse and sleep, each of which has a role in human life.

Sleep is very important for recovery. Therefore adults need adequate rest by sleeping well for at least 7-9 hours every night. Like sleep, healthy sexual function in both men and women is driven by libido, arousal, orgasm, and resolution. Both, sexual function and sleep apparently affect each other.

Launching the Sleep Foundation, research has found that a night's sleep can affect sex. Lack of sleep is associated with reduced sexual desire and arousal in women. As a result of insomnia, one of them is at risk for sexual dysfunction. Lack of sleep and sleep disturbances are also associated with the risk of erectile dysfunction in men. In addition, lack of sleep also causes emotional and relationship problems that can hinder sexual health in partners. For example, lack of sleep can trigger conflict with a partner, stress, reduced intimacy, and a less satisfying sex life.

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Illustration of why after sex sleepy (Freepik)

Conversely, a healthy sex life can make it easier for a person to get quality sleep. This is also one of the answers to why sleepy after the couple makes love and achieve satisfaction.

After orgasm, the body releases the hormones oxytocin and prolactin. Both of these hormones cause feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Sex also reduces levels of the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress.

Research shows that hormonal changes after sex can cause drowsiness and make it easier to fall asleep. This effect is also experienced when solo sexual activity or masturbation. About 50 percent of men and women say that orgasm from masturbation helps them fall asleep and improves the quality of their sleep.

Sex with a partner, in addition to increasing the hormonal response, also increases closeness and intimacy. Research conducted on heterosexual couples, experienced a greater hormonal response men than women. It also answers the question of why men fall asleep faster after sex. However, when both people achieved orgasm during sex, the difference in sleepiness was no longer statistically significant.