Revenge, Uncle Tega's Motive Kills His Nephew Of Elementary School Students While Studying In The Deli Serdang School Room

MEDAN - Police officers uncovered the motive for the murder by Rahmat (32) of his nephew with the initials SR (10) while studying in a classroom, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

"Based on the results of the interrogation, the motive for the murder is suspected to be revenge," said Sunggal Police Chief Kompol Chandra Yudha at the Sunggal Police Headquarters as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

Yudha did not explain in detail about the trigger for the perpetrator's revenge against the victim because his party is still investigating the case.

"The perpetrators really want to express their emotions. This will still be investigated again," he said.

The murder of his nephew by his uncle occurred on Tuesday (9/8) in one of the elementary schools, Sunggal District, North Sumatra. The murder began when the victim and her friends were studying in a classroom.

Suddenly the perpetrator came and broke the classroom door which was closed at that time. The suspect stabbed the victim in the stomach with a knife. After stabbing the victim, the perpetrator fled.

Other students who saw the incident immediately shouted, then a number of teachers came to the room.

The school had time to take the victim to the hospital, however, his life was not saved while on the way to the hospital.