BKPM Invites Siemens To Invest In The New Capital

JAKARTA - Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia invited a German company, Siemens Group, to expand its investment outside Java, including in the new capital city.

The invitation was conveyed by Bahlil when he met the Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Cedrik Neike in Davos, Switzerland, Tuesday, January 21. "I appreciate Siemens' contribution in investing in Indonesia. The government is open if Siemens wants to participate in the new capital city," said Bahlil in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22.

To Bahlil, Cedrik said that Siemens products are well known in Indonesian society. Currently, Siemens also has a project related to the Belt Road Initiative (BRI), namely a mobile power plant with a capacity of 360 MW in collaboration with PT PLN (Persero).

Not only that, related to industry 4.0, Siemens has collaborated with the Ministry of Industry and Econid for vocational training cooperation. Finally, Siemens wants to play a bigger role in the construction of a new capital city, especially for the development of smart cities.

The German company headquartered in Munich is very influential in the fields of electricity, automation and digitization. "Germany (Siemens) wants to have cooperation with Indonesia, just like Vietnam and Egypt," said Cedrik.

Responding to this expectation, Bahlil said, Indonesia is very open to various parties and other countries to participate in the development of a new capital city.

"If Siemens is serious, it will be one of the deliverables at the Hannover Messe. Siemens will cooperate with the Indonesian government. I hope Siemens will form a small team with BKPM to realize its role in the new capital," said Bahlil.