There Is Gus Dur's Name In Cak Imin's Rhyme Insert For Prabowo

JAKARTA - PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin has signed a coalition charter with Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto today, Saturday, August 13.

Cak Imin said the similarity of ideology and ideas became the glue and impetus for today and the days ahead for PKB and Gerindra to be ready to solve all problems in Indonesia. "This determination and togetherness also starts from the election stage and its stages, especially God willing, in 2024, we will seize power for the prosperity and welfare of Indonesia," said Cak Imin in a national speech at the coalition declaration event at SICC Bogor, West Java, Saturday, August 13. For PKB, power is the most effective tool to bring prosperity and prosperity to the Indonesian people. He was sure that it was the same for Gerindra. "Therefore, the cooperation that has been signed today is a joint commitment, joint determination, joint work and plans, God willing, this collaboration will bring benefits to the Indonesian people," said Cak Imin. The deputy chairman of the DPR then mentioned Prabowo's statement that PKB was needed and very relevant to solve the problem. "Today we meet, I answer Pak Prabowo's statement that Gerindra is a red and white force that we deserve to hope for," said Cak Imin. The nephew of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur then mentioned his uncle who once said that Prabowo was the most sincere person for the Republic of Indonesia. The expression was inserted through the poem. "Javanese Gulo is placed in a glass doused with jasmine flowers, said Gus Dur Pak Prabowo, he is a sincere and kind person," said Cak Imin, greeted by loud applause from Gerindra and PKB. Cak Imin then continued the rhyme about the coalition. He said PKB and Gerindra had invited other political parties to join.

"The obsession bears fruit, excuse me. "Pak Samiun, eat watermelon, we are a coalition for the revival of Greater Indonesia," he continued.