It's Fun To Gambling 24D Spin At The Stall, These 6 Men Are Immediately Arrested

JAKARTA - The Agam Police, West Sumatra, arrested six people suspected of being 24D Spin gamblers at a shop in Simpang Kiraik, Jorong V Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung District, Friday (12/8) at around 00:25 WIB.

Agam Police Chief AKBP Ferry Ferdian explained, the six suspects with the initials ZA (42) a resident of Manggopoh Lubukbasung District, E (39) a resident of Manggopoh Lubukbasung District, R (43) a resident of Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung District, EC (38) a resident of Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung District, DA (47) a resident of Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung sub-district and R (35) a resident of Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung sub-district. "We have secured them in a shop at Simpang Kiraik, Jorong V Sungai Jariang, Lubukbasung sub-district," said AKBP Ferry, Saturday, August 13, quoted from Antara. He said the Agam Police Opsnal Team managed to secure evidence in the form of IDR 1,560,000 in cash, a mobile phone and others.

The six suspects and evidence have been secured at the Agam Police Headquarters for further processing.

These raids were based on reports from the local community. Furthermore, the Agam Police Opsnal Team immediately conducted an investigation and carried out security for the perpetrators. For their actions, the suspects were threatened with Article 303 with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. assistance from the community in reporting the existence of residents playing gambling. "If there are reports from residents, we will immediately respond to them by arresting the perpetrators. We also secured three residents who were busy gambling, Thursday (11/8)," he said.