Team Akhyar Nasution: Alert, Now Openly Mobilizing Kepling-Lurah Winning Opposite Candidates

MEDAN - The winning team for candidate pairs in the Medan Pilkada, Akhyar Nasution and Salman Alfarisi (AMAN), began to focus on building strength to strengthen witness support at TPS. Witness strengthening was carried out in order to prevent fraud during the December 9 vote in the Medan Regional Election.

"How could I not, now there is an openly mobilization of the Kepling (head of the environment) and the village head to win the next candidate. That alone is against the law, especially on the day of the event. Therefore, we need to prevent this fraud from happening again, ”said AMAN Team Leader, Ibrahim Tarigan in a winning team meeting at the Joint Secretariat of AMAN Jalan Sudirman 40, Medan, Tuesday, November 17.

Present at the meeting were, among others, the chairman of the Medan Democratic Party, Burhanuddin Sitepu, representatives from the PKS, the AMAN team management, and dozens of volunteers from various districts.

Ibrahim asked AMAN's volunteers and winning team to always be vigilant, especially since the campaign period will enter its final round. This vigilance must be increased, especially from December 7 to the voting day on December 9 so that the room for cheating can be narrowed.

The steps developed by the AMAN Team, among others, were to recruit more than 100 thousand witnesses to oversee the voting and counting process outside the TPS of at least 10 people. That way 4,303 polling stations have witnesses from AMAN.

The witnesses will also monitor the shift of ballot boxes from the TPS to the sub-district or to the sub-district. All voting and vote counting activities led by the management of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) will also receive monitoring from witnesses.

Moreover, according to Ibrahim, there was an issue that there was a KPPS entrusted by certain groups. With this supervision, he hopes that the KPPS officers will remain professional in their duties.

Meanwhile, to anticipate the threat of 'dawn attack' ahead of the D-day, Ibrahim asked AMAN volunteers to actively monitor their respective environments.

"If there is money politics, take a photo and we report it," said Ibrahim.

According to Ibrahim, the people who receive basic necessities and cash can receive this assistance. But according to him, the choice must still be number 1, Akyar-Salman.

"Please accept the groceries and money, but don't punish the person. The residents of Medan are like the number 1 voter who did not promise money and basic foodstuffs, ”said Brahim.

In addition, Ibrahim appealed to the security apparatus, KPU and Bawaslu Medan to be fair and wise in carrying out their duties. If everything is done according to the rules Abraham believes, the Medan Pilkada will run democratically and far from cheating.