Conversion Of BBM To BBG Is Important, Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources: The Gas Used Comes From Domestic

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) encourages the implementation of the Gas Fuel (BBM) conversion program to Gas Fuel (BBG) because the benefits are good for energy independence in the midst of current energy conditions.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said that the conversion program from BBM to BBG can create energy independence. The reason is that the gas used comes from within the country so that it can reduce dependence on imported fuel.

"Our gas is also quite large and that's better, independent with our own capabilities than BBM," said Arifin, in his statement, quoted Friday, August 12.

Arifin admitted that implementing the conversion of BBM to BBG must face a number of challenges, including the installation of a converter kit on vehicles that functions to change fuel consumption or dual fuel BBG fuel.

"We have to change, modify, now one of them," said Arifin.

Arifin continued, the implementation of the conversion of BBM to BBG also depends on the interests of vehicle users. For this reason, there needs to be a synergy between government policies and the community.

"In the sense of the word, the meaning is tiered starting from the elements of the government to the community," he said.

According to Arifin, to encourage people's interest in implementing the conversion of BBM to BBG, more intensive socialization is needed, so that people know the benefits, namely savings because the price of BBG is cheaper than BBM and can create energy independence because the gas comes from within the country.

Arifin also mentioned that Semarang is one of the local governments that has implemented the BBM to BBG conversion program. He also wants other local governments to follow in the footsteps.

"For example, what has been running in Semarang BBG should be followed by other regions," added Arifin.