Komnas HAM Will Examine Bharada E At The Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters This Afternoon, What Should Be Excavated?

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) plans to examine Bharada Richard Eliezer alias Bharada E today. The examination was to ascertain whether there were human rights violations behind the murder case of Brigadier J.

"Today's agenda for Komnas HAM is to examine Bharada E," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to VOI, Friday, August 12.

Komnas HAM's steps were also facilitated by the National Police. The inspection process is said to take place at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.

However, the reason behind the investigation was not explained at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters. Originally, it was known that Bharada E was being held at the Bareskrim detention center after being named a suspect.

"(Inspection, red) At the Mobile Brigade Headquarters at 15.00 WIB," said Dedi.

Bhadara E is one of four suspects in Brigadier J's murder case. In his confession, he was forced to shoot because he was ordered to.

The person who gave the order was Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who has also been named a suspect. Then, Brigadier Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf.

In this case, the suspects are suspected of Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder, subsidiary to Article 338 in conjunction with Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.