A Series Of Clarifications From Anies To RT About The Marriage Of Princess Rizieq Divided Into 3 Elements

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya divides three elements in a series of investigations into cases of alleged violation of health protocols at the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter. The three elements include elements of the government, the organizing committee, and invited guests.

"We have 3 elements here. First from the local government, then the organizing committee, and later there will be guest witnesses present, which we will clarify," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, November 17.

In the first examination, parties from the government elements were examined. There were 10 witnesses who planned to be clarified but one of them was constrained by the reactive antigen swab test results.

Meanwhile, the Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, said that the witnesses from the organizers and invited guests would be examined tomorrow. The investigation team has prepared several special days for witness examination.

"We are allocating it for two days. For today (examination) of government officials," he said.

"Tomorrow we will clarify other elements, namely the organizers and then what efforts are made for it," continued Tubagus.

In a series of investigations into the alleged violation of Rizieq Shihab's daughter's health protocol, at least 10 people from elements of government were invited for clarification.

"Currently, the clarification check is being carried out. The governor, the mayor of Central Jakarta, the head of law (Pemprov DKI), the Head of KUA Tanah Abang, the Head of Tanah Abang Sub-District, RT, RW, Kasatpol PP, and Babinkamtbimas," said the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, November 17.

One person who cannot undergo the examination is the Head of Petamburan Village, Setiyanto. He was declared reactive when he underwent the antigen swab test.

"One person (namely) Lurah Petamburan is positive or reactive. Now we are referring to Kramat Jati Hospital for further testing of the mechanism," he said.

This examination in the form of clarification is a follow-up to a case of alleged violation of health protocols that occurred during the wedding ceremony of Syarifah Najwa Shihab, the daughter of Rizieq Shihab. In the near future the investigating team will summon all parties involved in organizing the event.