Wild Issues Appear About OTT KPK Near The DPR Building, Secretary General Of The DPR: There Is Pemalang Writing On The Chest

JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the House of Representatives Indra Iskandar responded to rumors circulating through WhatsApp messages regarding the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) hand arrest operation in the area near the DPR/MPR building, Senayan, Jakarta.

Indra explained, at around 16.00 WIB, there was an incident at the Pancasila gate or the entrance gate of the DPR building at the rear, on Jalan Gelora, near the Shooting Field, Senayan, Central Jakarta.

According to him, there had been an incident where a Toyota Innova car with G plates from the Brebes, Pemalang, Batang, Tegal and Pekalongan areas was crushed by a number of cars at the rear gate of the DPR.

"Two cars were crushed, one car had a license plate number G. The car was squeezed near the fence of the shooting range, and was pushed all the way to the rear gate of the DPR," Indra said when contacted by reporters, Thursday, August 11, evening.

After the car was crushed, Indra continued, two passengers were taken out and moved. But he did not know the background of the incident.

"It's still early," he said.

Indra said the incident was outside the DPR area. In fact, he said, the internal security forces or the DPR's Pamdal who served at the Pancasila Gate were prohibited from approaching.

"Anyway, on that person's shirt there is Pemalang written on his chest," said Indra.

Even so, Indra emphasized that his party had not been able to conclude whether the incident was related to the OTT news or not.

"Yeah, I don't know, I don't dare to say. What is certain is that something like that happened earlier at around 4pm (16.00 WIB) in the afternoon," said Indra.