PLN Innovations The First Digital Substation In Indonesia, Safer And With Less Potential For Interference

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) carried out various developments at the Sepatan II Substation. In addition to digitizing, PLN also provides voltage or energizes.

General Manager of PLN UIP JBB, Octavianus Padudung explained that the GID 150 kV Sepatan II project is a substation with the most advanced technology and the first in Indonesia. He added that GID is an innovation from PLN as a company that continues to grow and develop, as well as concrete evidence that PLN is implementing and improving new technology in the country's electricity system.

“The construction of the GID 150 kV Sepatan II applies full digital technology to conventional substations. With the use of Fiber Optic, there are many advantages, including safer, less potential for interference, easier operational monitoring, faster and more accurate identification of disturbances, and a faster development process," said Padudung in an official statement, Thursday, August 11.

Not only that, the use of Fiber Optic technology at GID has other advantages such as the reduction of copper cables by up to 80 percent which has positive implications for the reduction of heavy materials used so as to minimize the material transported and have an impact on reducing CO2 emissions during the transportation process.

Through this second phase of energizing, it also marks the completion of the construction of the GID 150 kV Sepatan II. Practically the total capacity of this substation becomes 2x60 MVA with the operation of the two transformers, serving consumers by supplying electricity sourced from the Lontar PLTU and then channeled through the 150 kV Sepatan-Sepatan II SUTT.

"It is hoped that from the operation of the first Full Digital Substation in Indonesia, the reliability of electrical energy supply in Banten Province, especially industrial areas, will continue to increase. The growth of new industries and can create new jobs, as well as being an opening door to new technology for Indonesia's electricity system that is more efficient. good," concluded Padudung.