Monas Revitalization Without Ministry Of State Secretariat Approval

JAKARTA - Commission D DPRD DKI has asked the Department of Human Settlements, Spatial Planning and Land Affairs to temporarily stop the revitalization process of the National Monument (Monas).

Later, it was discovered that the Monas revitalization process was running without any approval from the Steering Committee for the Development of the Free Medan Area. In Presidential Decree No. 25 of 1995, the Minister for the Steering Committee is the Minister of State Secretary.

Based on article 5 of Kepres 25/1995, the Steering Committee has the task of providing opinions and direction to the Implementing Body in carrying out its duties.

In addition, the Steering Committee is also tasked with providing approval for the planning and financing of the Medan Merdeka Park development compiled by the Implementing Body. In this case, the Implementing Body is the DKI Pemprov.

"The emphasis on the revitalization of Monas will be temporarily suspended until the approval letter from the Ministry of State Affairs is issued. Monas is ring 1. All activities in Monas and its surroundings have approval from the center," said Ida closing the meeting at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22. .

Meeting of Commission D DPRD DKI (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

The Presidential Decree, according to Ida, is the highest legal rule of all provincial level regulations, either Governor Regulations or Regional Regulations. If DKI does not ask for approval from the Ministry of State Secretariat, DPRD will not hesitate to reject the proposed Monas revitalization budget in the next stage.

"If the Citata (service) cannot convey to us regarding the State Secretary's permit, Monas revitalization in 2021 we will not budget," said Ida.

Requests for approval from the Ministry of State Affairs are a way for DPRD to monitor potential violations of Monas revitalization which are considered problematic. This is because as many as 190 trees on the south side of Monas had been cut down. In fact, according to Ida, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should not rush to cut down existing trees.

"If there is a plan to cut 1 to replace 10 trees, the replacement trees should be planted in another place first. I hope the Citata office and others do not do the same thing in the future, because this is the wrong thing," he said.

Separately, the Head of the City Citata Service, Heru Hermawanto, admitted that his party would re-examine the strictness of the rules in Keppres 25/1995. According to him, this Presidential Decree was originally drafted with the assumption that all implementation is borne by the APBN.

Now, the management is in the hands of DKI through the Monas Area Management Unit (UPT) which is legalized by a Governor Regulation. "That is the mechanism that we will try to check later," said Heru.

"Actually, what is in the Presidential Decree is not called a language permit. Because in fact there should be a working mechanism there which is called the formation of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee provides direction," Heru continued.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government is targeting the revitalization of Monas for 3 (three) years from the start of construction or it will be completed in 2021. Currently, the revitalization process is starting to be carried out in the Plaza Selatan area of 34,841 square meters.

Monas revitalization work on the south side has now reached around 84 percent. More than 50 percent of the green open space is now covered with concrete. There were no visible traces of trees previously planted in the green open space.

Later, replacement trees that have been felled will be replanted in the western, eastern areas, as well as the parking areas of IRTI and Lenggang Jakarta. The food stalls in Lenggang Jakarta will be moved to the eastern part near Gambir Station.

Monas revitalization is part of the Master Plan for the Arrangement of the Medan Merdeka Area Site Plan, the result of a design competition whose winners are determined in early 2019.

The main plan for the revitalization is to build Plaza Square as a forum for citizen expression on each side of Monas, both in the South, East, and West areas, as well as the construction of a pond that can reflect the image of the Monas Monument.