After Contact With COVID-19 Patients And Self-isolation, WHO Director General Tedros: I Don't Need To Do A Test

JAKARTA - Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has again appeared in public after previously having contact with a positive patient of COVID-19. Surprisingly, Tedros said he did not need a retest.

In Geneva, Monday, November 17, Tedros said he was sure he was healthy. And he said the test didn't really matter. The important thing is to adhere to health protocols.

"I am healthy, there are no symptoms. It is now the 17th day and I am following the health protocol. Because I have no symptoms and adhere to the protocol, I feel that I do not need to do the test," he said during a press conference, quoted on Tuesday, November 17.

"I can assure you that I am fine and actually very, very busy. The most important thing is to follow protocol," added Tedros.

Previously, Tedros conducted self-isolation after declaring himself in physical contact with a COVID-19 patient. The announcement was made by Tedros via Twitter, Monday, November 2.

"I have been identified as a contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19," said Tedros. "I am fine and asymptomatic but will need to self-quarantine within a few days, in line with WHO protocol, and work from home."

"It is very important for all of us to adhere to health guidelines," he added. According to Tedros, this is a way to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19, suppress the virus and protect the health system.