KPK Reveals 362 Corruption Suspects With Business Actor Status, Give Bribes To Win Until Monopoly Projects

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that from 2004 to June 2022 there were 362 people who were business actors who were named suspects. They usually pay bribes and gratuities to state officials.

"KPK has processed 1,425 criminal acts of corruption. Of these, there were 362 corruption actors from the business sector, with the modus operandi mostly related to bribery and giving gratuities," said the Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the Corruption Eradication Commission. Wawan Wardhiana in his written statement to reporters, Thursday, August 11.

Most of them, continued Wawan, took bribes and gave gratuities to launch their business. Including, to win tenders to monopolize the project.

"This happened because, among other things, the desire of business actors to be won in the tender for the procurement of goods and services they participated in, wanting to monopolize projects, or wanting to get priority in obtaining permits without following the applicable regulatory procedures," he said.

This is the reason why the KPK continues to take precautions in the business sector. Wawan said that enforcement efforts alone were not enough.

One way to prevent this, he said, is to encourage anti-corruption commitments in the business sector through multi-sectoral collaboration by involving business actors and relevant government agencies.

Not only that, this prevention should also be done with integrity. "We want to encourage and motivate all business actors to obey the principles and obey the rule of law to stay away from corrupt practices," Wawan said.

"The crime of corruption is a homework for all of us, so we hope that together we will declare ourselves not to be corrupt and actively participate in the movement to eradicate corruption," he concluded.