7 Classrooms Of SD Negeri 1 Delegan Scorched In Fire, Head Of Sleman Education Office Ensures Learning Activities Continue

SLEMAN - The Education Office of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region has ensured that teaching and learning activities (KBM) at SD Negeri 1 Delegan, Sumberharjo, Prambanan, will continue after the fire accident on Tuesday, August 9 last night.

"The KBM process at SD Delegan 1 continues, from today to Saturday KBM is conducted online, and starting Monday with a face-to-face system," said Head of the Sleman Regency Education Office Ery Widaryana in Sleman, Antara, Wednesday, August 10.

SD Negeri Delegan 1, Sumberharjo, Prambanan, Sleman caught fire at around 19.45 WIB. The fire devoured seven classrooms and left only three classrooms.

The school has also coordinated with all principals in Kapanewon (Kecamatan) Prambanan and nearby schools to assist and support the KBM process at SD Delegan 1.

"We ask these schools to support KBM at SD Delegan, for the needs of the KBM process during this emergency period," he said.

He said, apart from that, his party has also coordinated with the Kelurahan/Sudarjo Village Government and other agencies in Kapanewon Prambanan to support KBM activities at SD Delegan.

"Especially related to socialization to parents/guardians regarding the policy of two school shifts, morning for students in grades 1, 2 and 3 and afternoon for grades 4, 5 and 6," he said.

Ery said that his party had also asked all teachers at SD Negeri Delegan 1 to continue to be enthusiastic in serving teaching students even though the time was now longer, from morning to evening.

"We have conveyed everything to the teachers to keep the spirit of serving students, because later for grades 1, 2 and 3 students will go to school until 11.00 WIB, while for grades 4, 5 and 6 they will enter from 12.00 WIB until the afternoon. adjust to the weight of each lesson," he said.

He said that his party would also protect the ruins of the burning school building so as not to endanger the students.

"Starting tomorrow the rubble will be cleaned by volunteers and the people of Sumberharjo so that Monday can be used for teaching and learning activities. In addition, for security we will also build a kind of fence so that students do not approach the area of the ruins of the building. We also ask parents/guardians to provide understanding his children not to play in the rubble area," he said.