A Passenger From Sumenep Tries To Commit Suicide At Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar

MAKASSAR - SS, a passenger who stopped at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Maros, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) tried to commit suicide. SS was found with an incision in the neck.

Kapolsek Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Area Iptu Asep Widianto said the man from Sumenep, East Java wanted to end his life by committing suicide using broken glass. The suicide attempt is thought to have been triggered by depression.

"The depth of the wound in the neck is 15 cm, SS has operated at RSAU dr. Dody Sardjoto. Ss was found in the Circle-K area of the Loading Dock (where the goods for departure from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport) were dropped," said Iptu Asep Widianto, Monday, November 16.

The police explained that SS was a transit passenger from Syamsuddin Noor Airport (Banjarmasin) using a plane. The plan was to fly to Timika Regency, Papua with 6 of his colleagues to migrate.

"He started from Banjarmasin, the plan was going to Timika, it arrived yesterday afternoon, he arrived, he stayed at the airport, did not leave. Then his colleague, six people, left for Timika, but he did not come with his partner, because he did not. have money, "explained Asep.