In The Last Week, Murder Cases Occurred In A Row In Magelang, Cilacap And Purworejo, Fortunately The Central Java Police Revealed

SEMARANG - The Central Java Regional Police (Polda) recorded three murder cases in three different areas that occurred in the past week.

Central Java Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Abiyoso Seno Aji said the three cases of murder that had been revealed occurred in Magelang, Cilacap and Purworejo regencies, respectively.

In revealing the murder case in Purworejo on August 7, 2022, the police arrested BC (29), the perpetrator of the murder of Bustami (57) who was motivated by debt problems.

"The perpetrator and the victim are business partners in the melon fruit business," he said in Semarang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 10.

Meanwhile, in the case of a murder in Cilacap Regency on August 6, 2022, the police arrested S (48) a perpetrator of the murder of J, a 56-year-old woman.

According to Abiyoso, the criminal act of murder committed by the perpetrator was motivated by feelings of hurt to the victim.

The third murder case was revealed in Magelang Regency on August 4, 2022. The police revealed the murder committed by IAMB (15) against his own schoolmate, WSH.

"The perpetrator was desperate to kill his schoolmate because he felt hurt," he said.

All suspects in the murder case, said Abiyoso, are subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code on Murder with a penalty of 15 years in prison.