Still I'm Sure We'll Love Again Reworked, Virzha: Ahmad Dhani's Arrangements Make It Delicious

JAKARTA - Dewa 19 band re-released the song Still I'm Sure We'll Love Again. This time featuring two vocalists at once, Virzha and Ello.

Still I'm Sure We'll Love Again is one of the three most popular songs among the rock contour tracks on the album Format Future (1994).

This song is also special because it is Dewa 19's second release wrapped in English lyrics, after Swear in their self-titled debut album.

According to Virzha, this new arrangement makes Still I'm Sure We'll Love Again pleasant to hear.

“Yes, it's also interesting to see the vocal sharing. Ahmad Dhani's arrangement makes it easy to share between me and Ello," said Virzha in a written statement received by VOI.

"We've never been together on record before. It's the first time. I got to the front, then Virzha followed behind,” Ello chimed in.

Ahmad Dhani who arranged this song had a reason why he combined Ello and Virzha. It is known that they often appear separately when with Dewa 19.

“This song really needs a new breath. Ari Lasso used to sing, now it's directly Ello and Virzha. The arrangement also follows the times," said Ahmad Dhani.

“Their vocal characters both come in with a new arrangement that I'm working on. The end result is fun and still gives Dewa 19's distinctive color," he continued.

This re-release is also part of Dewa 19's 30th anniversary celebration by updating their classics. This new side is expected to find a new audience market.

Dewa 19's song Still I'm Sure We'll Love Again with Ello and Virzha is available on all digital music platforms.